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Posted: March 24th, 2022

US highest teen pregnancy and birth rates

US highest teen pregnancy and birth rates

The United States has the highest teen pregnancy and birth rates in the developed world. In 2008, Nevada had the second highest teen pregnancy rate in the U.S.at 90 pregnancies per 1,000 teen girls aged 13-18 years old (SNHD).

Here are various risk factors or precursors for adolescent pregnancy according to Youth.gov:

1. Living in poverty and low self-esteem.

2. Limited maternal education achievement.

3. Having a mother who gave birth before the age of 20.

4. Single parent home or living at home with frequent family conflict.

5. Early sexual activity or use of alcohol and drugs.

6. Teen’s race and ethnicity.

Here are some risk factors for teens that become pregnant:

1. Not receiving prenatal care.

2. Depression and lack of appropriate parenting skills.

3. Medical conditions that include hypertension and preeclampsia, pregnancy anemia, and conditions that can damage organs or disrupt the growth of the fetus.

Nevada has these two resources for adolescents that become pregnant.

1. Southern Nevada Health District. This health district has a teen prevention program to Help teens in the local community. The teen pregnancy prevention program is designed to promote safe sexual and reproductive health practices to reduce unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections among adolescents 13-19 years of age through health education, community outreach, and positive youth development. The program works with community partners to provide evidence-based curriculum to youth who are at highest risk for teen pregnancy. In addition, the program focuses resources in communities where youth are at highest risk for teen pregnancy.

2. Nevada 2-1-1. This is a resource that is committed to helping Nevadans connect financially with services they need. Several resources they provide for adolescent pregnant girls are prenatal care and alternative pregnancy options, infant formula and food, and guidance on nursing for expected or new mothers.

From 1991 to 2016, the teen birth rate in the state of Nevada has continued to decline 68%. Here are some recent statistics in the state of Nevada. The teen pregnancy birth rates per 1000 teens from ages 15-19 were 2008-45.6, 2009-41.1, 2010-38.6, 2011-36.1, and 2012-33.9. In addition, the total teen births in recent years were 2013- 4190 births, 2015- 2385 births, and 2016- 2078 births.

Reasons for this decline in recent years are less sex, more effective contraceptive use, and more information and resources about teen prevention.


Nevada 2-1-1. Retrieved from: https://www.nevada211.org/maternity-services/#

Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD). Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program.

Retrieved from: http://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/tppp/teen-pregnancy-nv.php

U.S. Department of Health and Human. Nevada Adolescent Reproductive Health Facts.

Retrieved from: https://www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/facts-and-stats/national-and-state-data-sheets/adolescent-reproductive-health/nevada/index.html

Youth.gov. Risk and Protective Factors. Retrieved from:


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