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Posted: March 19th, 2022

Brain Rattler

Pain, constant ringing, and mood swings. I had been transported to a foreign world. Failing tests, lacking short-term memory, and nagging fatigue. I lived in a world of insanity for a month.

During my freshman year of high school, I got a concussion. Since I was in the midst of the year and club volleyball season, I did not have time to recover from a traumatic brain injury. Although I loathed sitting on the side line and missing school, the physical effects the injury had on my brain and the visual
effects it had on my grades took the biggest toll on me.

The school days slowly slithered by. Each class consisted of 55 minutes used only to think “get me out of here” that were only able to be heard when I could find the strength to not focus on the faint, distant, ringing which still is audible enough to make the calmest person go insane.

My eyelids felt as if they gained a pound with every passing minute. The struggle to stay awake and pay attention became harder and harder as time passed.

The concussion told me that it is okay to give up due to a little discomfort, but I do not give up in my weaker moments. Through such moments, I forced myself to tuck my head and plow through the day. I was determined to keep my grade point average above a 4.0 and stay in the top five percent of my class or higher, and I did. My
determination worked; I recovered from my moment of weakness and made all A’s for that grading period. Having a concussion definitely changed me. It taught me that in certain circumstances I have to work harder than normal. I also learned that extra work will not negatively affect you; it will only create better working habits and make you stronger.

Along with changing my working habits, my brain injury intrigued me. It made me realize how important and complex the brain truly is. After recovering from my concussion, I decided that I wanted to study neuroscience after I graduate from high school and become a Neurologist.

My month of insanity had ended. There is no more failing test grades, loss of short-term memory, or nagging fatigue. I am back in my new improved world pain and mood swing free.

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