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Posted: March 16th, 2022

Topic- Childhood obesity in Maryland

Topic- Childhood obesity in Maryland

Community Intervention Case Study Presentation
Why a Case Study?
Case studies provide a real-life context for a public health issue or concern. In this final assignment, you will continue to develop your case study, using your chosen issue in your community. You are now required to create a PowerPoint presentation of your evidence-based analysis of the issue that supports your recommendations for a community-based intervention to address the issue, record audio narration for the presentation, and present it to a hypothetical real-world audience.
Write for Your Intended Audience
When you are presenting information to community stakeholders, policy makers, and potential funders, your case study must be complete and well documented but also not too long as to make people lose interest. In terms of the course and in real life, this is both a summary of the work you have done up to this point and a final chance for you to make your case.
There are two parts to this final assignment.
Written Case Study
Using the Case Study Template linked in the resources, create an 8–10-page case study of your chosen local public health issue, applying an IM approach as the foundation upon which you will analyze the issue. In the case study:
● Present your case for the issue and why it is important in the community, supported by references.
● Address the following:
○ Who is the major stakeholder in your community who will take the lead in addressing the problem? Why were they chosen? How will they collaborate with other stakeholders and public health agencies?
○ What are the outcomes you hope to achieve by addressing this problem?
○ What are the barriers you foresee in approaching this community public health problem?
○ What are the EBPs you have identified and how would you see them being applied?
○ How will you evaluate whether or not your outcomes will be met?
○ How will the public investment in your proposed intervention save money in the long run?
PowerPoint Presentation and Audio Recording
Create an 8–10-slide PowerPoint presentation, and record a 5–7-minute audio narration for the presentation using Kaltura Media or similar software, which will be presented to a meeting of community stakeholders most interested in your issue. Note: You will only be recording the audio narration; you will not be actually presenting it.
Review the Community Intervention Case Study Presentation Scoring Guide carefully to fully understand how this assignment will be graded.
Submission Requirements
Case Study
Your written case study should meet the following requirements:
● APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
● Number of references: A minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.
● Length of paper: 8–10 typed, double-spaced pages of content plus cover and reference pages and any appendices.
● Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
PowerPoint Presentation and Audio
Your PowerPoint presentation and audio recording should meet the following requirements:
● PowerPoint presentation: A minimum of 8–10 slides.
● Speaker notes: Include your speaker notes in the notes section of each slide. APA-formatted in-text citations can be included here, if they are not added to the slide content. (Imagine that an audience member might ask you to back up your information.)
● Resources: At least three scholarly resources other than the course text or assigned articles. Include citations in a final slide at the end of the presentation.
● APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format.
● Font and font size: Select a font that is appropriate for the audience you are addressing. Font size and weight for presentation is generally 24–28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet list. For tips on creating PowerPoint presentations, refer to the Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations linked in the resources.
● Audio recording: 5–7 minutes in length, with a note or a transcript to ensure accessibility to everyone. Only your voice is required. No video of you (as the presenter) is needed.

Community Intervention Case Study Presentation Scoring Guide
Due Date: Unit 9
Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.
Use an intervention mapping approach to write a public health case study.
16% Does not use an intervention mapping approach to write a public health case study. Uses an intervention mapping approach to write a public health case study, but with errors in organization or omits some key elements of the process. Uses an intervention mapping approach to write a public health case study. Uses an intervention mapping approach to write a public health case study, and proposes criteria for evaluating the findings from the application of the intervention mapping approach.
Support the argument that a public health issue is a problem in a community with specific evidence.
14% Does not support the argument that a public health issue is a problem in a community with specific evidence. Somewhat supports the argument that a public health issue is a problem in a community with evidence, but the evidence may unclear or insufficient. Supports the argument that a public health issue is a problem in a community with specific evidence. Supports the argument that a public health issue is a problem in a community with specific evidence, and identifies assumptions on which the argument is based.
Support the choice of an evidence-based intervention as a prudent public investment with peer-reviewed sources.
14% Does not support the choice of an evidence-based intervention as a prudent public investment with peer-reviewed sources. Supports the choice of an evidence-based intervention as a prudent public investment with peer-reviewed sources, but the support is unclear or incomplete. Supports the choice of an evidence-based intervention as a prudent public investment with peer-reviewed sources. Supports the choice of an evidence-based intervention as a prudent public investment with peer-reviewed sources, and identifies areas of uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and/or additional information that could be used to gain a more complete understanding.
Identify key outcomes resulting from an advocacy, evidence-based intervention using appropriate references.
14% Does not identify key outcomes resulting from an advocacy, evidence-based intervention using appropriate references. Identifies outcomes resulting from an advocacy, evidence-based intervention, but the outcomes and/or references may be inappropriate or insufficient. Identifies key outcomes resulting from an advocacy, evidence-based intervention using appropriate references. Identifies key outcomes resulting from an advocacy, evidence-based intervention using appropriate references, and provides real-world examples that put a human face on the issue being addressed.
Describe the collaboration between a lead stakeholder and a public health agency.
14% Does not describe the collaboration between a lead stakeholder and a public health agency. Describes the collaboration between a lead stakeholder and a public health agency, but the description is unclear or incomplete. Describes the collaboration between a lead stakeholder and a public health agency. Analyzes the collaboration between a lead stakeholder and a public health agency, and proposes criteria that could be used to evaluate the analysis.
Create a PowerPoint presentation of the analysis of a local public health case study and records audio narration for the presentation.
14% Does not create a PowerPoint presentation of the analysis of a local public health case study or record audio narration for the presentation. Creates a PowerPoint presentation of the analysis of a local public health case study and record audio narration for the presentation, but the elements of the presentation or the recording had some distraction from the content being presented. Creates a PowerPoint presentation of the analysis of a local public health case study and records audio narration for the presentation. Creates a PowerPoint presentation of the analysis of a local public health case study and records audio narration for the presentation, and demonstrates a clearly superior application of the technology as a presentation tool.
Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
14% Does not write clearly, or has excessive spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanical errors. Writes with some errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, or organization. Writes clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Writes clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, and without any errors.

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