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Posted: March 16th, 2022

Missouri Baptist University HSCI 453 Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepadnaviruses Paper

Missouri Baptist University HSCI 453 Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepadnaviruses Paper
Missouri Baptist University HSCI 453 Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepadnaviruses Paper

Need a 8 page paper Minimum over Hepadnaviruses. Also, Powerpoint with images

The page minimums above are suggestions. Content (and composition) will be graded.
The document should be formatted as follows: 11 font, font type Arial, normal character spacing, line spacing at 1.5x, all margins set at 1 inch
The paper should be clearly organized, with appropriate titling and section headings to clearly indicate the section being covered. Missouri Baptist University HSCI 453 Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepadnaviruses Paper
General Guidelines for Research Project

The research project involves research into a selected group of pathogenic microbes.

Use the following guidelines to facilitate the writing of a literature review, which will include a video presentation based on the paper. Be sure to refer to Canvas for grading rubrics, due dates, and other useful resources.

The guidelines below include each content area and a general statement of what type of information should be included:

Cover Page

Abstract (200-250 words)
Description (min 1pg)

Morphology, identifying characteristics/features
Species of special interest
Host range
Epidemiology (min 1pg)

Statistics of infection (who, when, how many, etc)
Historical example of an outbreak
Cost to public health
Pathogenesis (min 2-3pg)

Characteristics of infection
Routes of entry and spread via host
Relevant virulence factors
Methods of immune system evasion
Methods of elimination/exit
Clinical Syndromes (min 1pg)

Consequences of infection clinically
Onset, progression, relapse, infective dose, morbidity and mortality
Diagnosis and Treatment (min 1pg)

How is diagnosed
Standard treatments following infection
If relevant, experimental or emerging treatments
Prevention and Control (min 1pg)

How transmission limited
Controlling vectors that transmitted and spread
Methods for prevention (vaccines, prophylactic drugs)
Conclusion (1/2 pg)

Concluding statements

Minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scientific or clinical sources
Cited in text and on bibliography according to APA guidesline
Example on bibliography:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), pages.
The DOI/url can be included at the end, but this is not required.
General paper guidelines

The page minimums above are suggestions. Content (and composition) will be graded.
The document should be formatted as follows: 11 font, font type Arial, normal character spacing, line spacing at 1.5x, all margins set at 1 inch
The paper should be clearly organized, with appropriate titling and section headings to clearly indicate the section being covered.
The document will need to be submitted as one of the following formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX

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