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Posted: March 16th, 2022

Managing Quality in Hospitality Tourism and Events

Hospitality Tourism and Events
Managing Quality in Hospitality Tourism and Events
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Research note example
About my Role
Where does the gap lie ? Refer to Week 7 slide Parasurman et al. (1985)
 Problem
Example -Services Safe Mandatory Training not completed by staff
 Consequences for individuals
 Consequences for managers
 Consequences for the organisation
Capabilities and competencies
Every student give a brief and general overview- though the director of finance will have to
explicitly examine the financial capabilities of the organisation/ HR director should consider the
competencies of the staff – referring to examples from Glassdoor website
• Students should consider examining Airbnb’s financial capabilities and competence of
their staff to improve the quality by referring to their annual report and one or two
reviews of the staff from Glassdoor.
Example -Recommendations
• Avoid information Overload in training
 Example-Total Quality Management Concept PDCA Cycle W. Edwards Deming/ Student’s can use
Juran’s Trilogy too refer to week 1
• Identify and Analyse the problem
• Ask the employees if they would like to involve in the training Source
• Monitor the progress of employees practising the training
• Keep communicating about the progress of training
• Collect feedback from staff as it collects and analyses the information
• Display the stories and results so everyone can see the progress
• Having a training pack readily available will enable to take advantage of training
• They occur especially important in busy departments
Javidan, M., 1998. Core Competence: What does it mean in practice? Long Range Planning, 31(1),
Johnson, C., 2016. The Benefits of PDCA. Quality Progress, 49(1), pp.45.


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