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Posted: March 16th, 2022

Discussion: Sexual harassment laws

Discussion: Sexual harassment laws

From the e-Activity, analyze the two news events published within the past 12 months related to sexual harassment laws for or against lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals.

In an article in the Huffington Post on July 14, 2015 address LGBT Students and sexual harassment. The article was written by Senior Editor/Reporter Tyler Kingkade. Mr. Kingkade wrote “Colleges and universities are still trying to navigate how to better respond to sexual assault on campus, but some LGBT students feel their unique needs are not being fully considered by their schools even though LGBT students are actually more at risk for sexual violence than heterosexual students, and the U.S. departments of Justice and Education have affirmed that Title IX protects gay and trans students from discrimination.” The laws protects people, it does not specify gender

Propose at least two ways your agency plans to address these events, highlighting two challenges to identifying and prosecuting offenders within your agency

Two ways my agency can address these events would be training and policies. The challenges they my face would be individuals not being tolerant to change and individuals feeling as though their rights to have an opinion are being violated as well

Debate It: Take a position for or against this statement: A public sector agency should provide medical benefits to employees who choose to have surgery to change their sex. Provide at least two reasons and examples to support your position

I agree with, but as the questions reads, I do feel that medical benefits should be provided. I do however feel that anyone choosing to have surgery to change their sex should have to pay that cost out of pocket. Currently, medically necessary is defined as “Health care services or supplies needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury condition, disease or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine” (Healthcare.gov, 2015). I would like to see my tax dollars being spent on services that are beneficial to my community, not on individuals who choose to have their sex changed.

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