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Posted: March 5th, 2022

Diverse population of patients essay.

Diverse population of patients essay.
Diverse population of patients essay.

To arrange for this week’s dialogue, overview the assigned assets. Subsequent, think about you might be assigned to work in rural clinic serving a various population of patients. Describe at the very least two issues encountered when offering nursing care to an individual who doesn’t communicate English as their main language.

Subsequent, describe at the very least two communication approaches that the nurse can use to present culturally acceptable care.

Oregon Middle for Nursing. (2010 November 9). Nurturing Cultural Competence in Nursing: Promising Practices for Training and Healthcare [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpzLzgeL2sA opens in new window

It’s essential to proofread your paper. However don’t strictly depend on your laptop’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to take action signifies a scarcity of effort in your half and you may anticipate your grade to endure accordingly. Papers with quite a few misspelled phrases and grammatical errors will likely be penalized. Learn over your paper – in silence after which aloud – earlier than handing it in and make corrections as crucial. Usually it’s advantageous to have a good friend proofread your paper for apparent errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected errors.

Use a regular 10 to 12 level (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed sort and papers with small margins or single-spacing are exhausting to learn. It’s higher to let your essay run over the advisable quantity of pages than to attempt to compress it into fewer pages.

Likewise, giant sort, giant margins, giant indentations, triple-spacing, elevated main (area between traces), elevated kerning (area between letters), and another such makes an attempt at “padding” to extend the size of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of timber, and won’t idiot your professor.

The paper have to be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the highest, backside, and sides of every web page. When submitting exhausting copy, be sure you use white paper and print out utilizing darkish ink. Whether it is exhausting to learn your essay, it should even be exhausting to comply with your argument.


Dialogue Questions (DQ)

Preliminary responses to the DQ ought to deal with all elements of the questions requested, embrace a minimal of one scholarly supply, and be at the very least 250 phrases.
Profitable responses are substantive (i.e., add one thing new to the dialogue, interact others within the dialogue, well-developed thought) and embrace at the very least one scholarly supply.
One or two sentence responses, easy statements of settlement or “good put up,” and responses which can be off-topic is not going to rely as substantive. Substantive responses needs to be at the very least 150 phrases.
I encourage you to include the readings from the week (as relevant) into your responses.

Weekly Participation

Your preliminary responses to the necessary DQ don’t rely towards participation and are graded individually.
Along with the DQ responses, you will need to put up at the very least one reply to friends (or me) on three separate days, for a complete of three replies.
Participation posts don’t require a scholarly supply/quotation (until you cite another person’s work).
Half of your weekly participation contains viewing the weekly announcement and testifying to watching it within the feedback. These bulletins are made to make sure you perceive all the things that’s due through the week.

APA Format and Writing High quality

Familiarize your self with APA format and follow utilizing it appropriately. It’s used for many writing assignments in your diploma. Go to the Writing Middle within the Pupil Success Middle, below the Sources tab in LoudCloud for APA paper templates, quotation examples, suggestions, and so on. Factors will likely be deducted for poor use of APA format or absence of APA format (if required).
Cite all sources of info! When doubtful, cite the supply. Paraphrasing additionally requires a quotation.
I extremely suggest utilizing the APA Publication Guide, sixth version.

Use of Direct Quotes

I discourage overutilization of direct quotes in DQs and assignments on the Masters’ degree and deduct factors accordingly.
As Masters’ degree college students, it can be crucial that you simply be capable of critically analyze and interpret info from journal articles and different assets. Merely restating another person’s phrases doesn’t exhibit an understanding of the content material or crucial Assessment of the content material.
It’s best to paraphrase content material and cite your supply.

LopesWrite Coverage

For assignments that have to be submitted to LopesWrite, please make certain you might have acquired your report and Similarity Index (SI) share BEFORE you do a “remaining submit” to me.
After getting acquired your report, please overview it. This report will present you grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors that may simply be mounted. Take the additional jiffy to overview as a substitute of getting counted off for these errors.
Assessment your similarities. Did you overlook to quote one thing? Did you not paraphrase nicely sufficient? Is your paper made up of another person’s ideas greater than your individual?
Go to the Writing Middle within the Pupil Success Middle, below the Sources tab in LoudCloud for recommendations on bettering your paper and SI rating.

Late Coverage

The college’s coverage on late assignments is 10% penalty PER DAY LATE. This additionally applies to late DQ replies.
Please talk with me in the event you anticipate having to submit an project late. I’m pleased to be versatile, with advance discover. We might be able to work out an extension based mostly on extenuating circumstances.
If you don’t talk with me earlier than submitting an project late, the GCU late coverage will likely be in impact.
I don’t settle for assignments which can be two or extra weeks late until we have now labored out an extension.
As per coverage, no assignments are accepted after the final day of class. Any project submitted after midnight on the final day of class is not going to be accepted for grading.


Communication is so essential. There are a number of methods to speak with me:
Inquiries to Teacher Discussion board: This can be a excellent place to ask course content material or project questions. You probably have a Question Assignment, there’s a good likelihood one of your friends does as nicely. This can be a public discussion board for the category.
Particular person Discussion board: This can be a non-public discussion board to ask me questions or ship me messages. This will likely be checked at the very least as soon as each 24 hours. Diverse population of patients essay.

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