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Posted: March 2nd, 2022

Please use APA style formatting.

Please use APA style formatting.

Question Assignment 1
For the pharmaceutical firm in HW-Three, had been tasked to develop an entry management coverage for the corporate. Presently, you’re performing an as-is Assessment and assessing present safety practices. You’ve discovered three vital issues with present practices. These are:
1) The accounts of the previous workers are usually not at all times eliminated after the termination of the employment.
2) The database server is in the identical community as the pc workstations.
Three) Server directors use the identical “Administrator” account.

Obtain NIST Particular Publication 800-53 from this URL:

NIST SP 800-53 is titled Safety and Privateness Controls for Federal Data Techniques and Organizations.

This publication helps federal businesses and contractors meet the necessities set by the Federal Data Safety Administration Act (FISMA). Assessment the doc to familiarize your self with its contents.

Go to TABLE D-Three: SUMMARY — ACCESS CONTROL, which is within the Appendix-D of the doc. Fill out the next desk.
Safety Downside in Pharmaceutical Firm Management No and Management Identify in SP 800-53

Question Assignment 2
Though your organization shouldn’t be a federal group, clarify how NIST SP 800-53 can Help your group in growing safety maturity as if you’re explaining it to your CEO or one other vital non-tech-

Please format your paper in APA style.

Question Assignment No. 1

In HW-Three, we had been entrusted with creating an entry management technique for the pharmaceutical trade. You at the moment are conducting an as-is Assessment and evaluating present safety practices. You’ve got recognized three key flaws in current practices. They’re as follows:

1) Former workers’ accounts are usually not normally deleted after their job is terminated.

2) The database server and the pc workstations are each linked to the identical community.

Three) All server directors log in utilizing the identical “Administrator” account.

Obtain NIST Particular Publication 800-53 from this URL:


NIST SP 800-53 is titled Safety and Privateness Controls for Federal Data Techniques and Organizations.

This publication helps federal businesses and contractors meet the necessities set by the Federal Data Safety Administration

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Tags: 2803NRS, ACC 502 GCU, ACCCN, ACCT 553 DeVry, ACCT20071

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