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Posted: February 28th, 2022

Sarcasm in News

North Korea, one of the most modern country in the world and well know of their great military power to protect their own country per their own claim. The government has spent huge amount of money in development of their weapon technology : from nuclear bomb to missiles. The citizens of North Korea are too proud of having such a wise government to allocate all their resources on weapon development instead of economics. They have been living peacefully. This Just mirrored a quote from Steve Jobs : stay hungry, stay happy ( originally Is stay hungry, ATA foolish).
A Democratic Presidential Election? As they want to be a member In the democratic world. , recently, they conducted a presidential election. What they believe Is this mechanism can serve a tool to shake hand with the western and express their democratic culture. The voting system Is designed as below: the voter will be given a choice. The ballot paper contained two boxes: one In which to vote for the party , and another where anyone who doesn’t support the ruling party could write their name and address.
As you can see, the voting process is widely open without anonymous vote. Isn’t that wonderful? No need to be anonymous, just let everyone know who’s your best choice. Eventually, the election is fair, open and peaceful. What percentage of the vote do you think: 52%, 63% or 85%? The answer is 100%. According to the official report, it said that 99. 97% of all registered voters across the country participated in the election, and 100% of them voted for the candidates were elected. The outcome equally expresses the absolute support and rust of all voters in the country.

After the election, they have received congratulation letter from Iran : they described my election as “overjoyed to see that the hearts of the Korean people are fully behind their glorious chairman. ” The U. S. President Obama is busy with his golf game and can not response this immediately. The only candidate and the final winner Kim Gong-UN encourages him to comment this election result on his Face Book. The greet leader is willing to offer the successful experience to America.
Sarcasm in News By Minnie eroded a quote from Steve Jobs : stay hungry, stay happy ( originally is stay hungry, stay foolish). A Democratic Presidential Election? As they want to be a member in the believe is this mechanism can serve a tool to shake hand with the western and express their democratic culture. The voting system is designed as below: the voter will be given a choice. The ballot paper contained two boxes: one in which to vote for the party , and another where anyone who doesn’t support the ruling party could without anonymous vote. Isn’t that wonderful? No need to be anonymous, Just let

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