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Mis Grameenphone

Mis in Grameen Phone chapter 01 Introduction Management and organizations facing constantly changing problems, diverse managerial styles, and ever present information needs offer a challenging context for developing computer based information systems. A management information system (MIS) is a system or process that provides information needed to manage organizations effectively. Management Information Systems (MIS) employs the integration of information technology in achieving the needs and objectives of the general workforce, managers and their organization.
The development of MIS in organizations helps corporate executives in applying efficient and effective information technology-based business and economic decisions. With new trends in information technology, managers and organizations will face more advance and flexible management of organizational information. Management information systems are regarded to be a subset of the overall internal controls procedures in a business, which cover the application of people, documents, technologies, and procedures used by management accountants to solve business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy.
Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e. g. Decision Support Systems, Expert systems, and Executive information systems. The terms MIS and information system are often confused. MIS is sometimes referred to, in a restrictive sense, as information technology management. That area of study should not be confused with computer science. IT service management is a practitioner-focused discipline.

MIS has also some differences with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as ERP incorporates elements that are not necessarily focused on decision support. MIS uses computer technology to provide information and decision support to managers, helping them becomes more effective. Developments in the young computer industry are changing corporate management style. Managers at all levels use similar data. Operating managers require data which is timely, precise, detailed, internal and historical.
Upper level managers need data which is aggregated, external as well as internal, future oriented as well as historical and covering a longer p time. An effective MIS cannot be built without viable data management tools. Such tools were not generally available previously. Moreover, most organizations did not effectively use DBMS technology until two decades before. Most organizations these days rely heavily on their IT systems. An important key to a successful MIS is the effective management of an organization’s data resources. hapter 02 Management information system 2. 1 MIS definition- Management information system is the combination of men, machine and procedures for collecting related information from the internal and external sources of an organization, and use these information for the purpose of decision making. Another way it can say it is the integrated system of man and machine which provides information support for the decision making in the organization. MIS also can define as a computer-based information system. According to Jorge M.
Scott, “MIS is comprehensive and coordinated setoff information subsystems which are rationally integrated and which transform data into information in a variety of ways to enhance productivity in conformity with the manager’s style and characteristics on the basis of established quality criteria. ” 2. 2 Applications of MIS MIS has become an integral part of the organization’s existence and application on several specific areas. These include strategy supports, data processing and job performance development. MIS transforms data into useful information to formulate effective management decisions.
Data processing by MIS allows organization of enormous quantity of business data and provides valuable time-saving benefits for the organization. Job performance of the organization’s human resources is greatly affected with the establishment of an MIS. Employees will have more efficient and effective ways in handling data and information. 2. 3 Elements of a Functional MIS A functional MIS has five elements which include timeliness, accuracy, consistency, completeness and relevance. The efficacy of an MIS will be deterred whenever one or more elements are compromised.
The element of timeliness signifies that an organization’s MIS can provide and distribute current information to its users. Processed information from MIS must be accurate and free from flaws. MIS consistency in handling data must be taken into consideration for well-defined, documented processes and ability to adapt with a dynamic environment. Management needs complete and related information in a summarized format to eliminate information overload. The MIS must be able to provide the management with relevant data for effective planning and decision making. 2. 4 Advantages of MIS An MIS provides many benefits to the organization.
Primarily, it facilitates organizational planning. MIS enhances the sound decision-making skills of the management by providing relevant information. Secondly, MIS minimizes information surplus by summarizing this in standard formats for managers to have detailed and concise reports. Thirdly, MIS facilities bring integration to an organization as it keeps other departments abreast with existing problems and needs. Lastly, MIS makes managerial control easier. This gives management the ability to assess and improve the organization’s performance. 2. 5 MIS classification MIS is a concept, which is a matter of degree rather than an absolute one.
In management there are perhaps few other areas other than MIS which gas created so much controversy. We would make an attempt to try to look into different types of MIS as they have evolved during the course of time. 1) Transaction Processing System (TPS) 2) Management Information System (MIS) 3) Decision Support System (DSS) 4) Executive Support System (ESS) 1) Transaction Processing System: It processes transactions and produces reports. I t represents the automation of fundamental, routine processing used to support business operations. It does not provide any information to the user for decision making.
TPS uses data and produces data. 2) Management Information System: MIS in an information system that processes data and converts it into information. A management information system uses TPS for its data inputs. The information generated by the information system may be used for control of operations, strategic and long-range planning, short-range planning, management control and other managerial problem solving. 3) Decision Support System: A decision support system is an information system application that Helps decision-making. DSS tends to be used in planning, analyzing alternatives and trial and error search solutions.
They incorporate a variety of decision-making models and thus area capable of performing what-if analysis. 4) Executive Support System: An ESS is a special kind of DSS. It is specially tailored for the use of chief executives of an organization to support his decision-making. Thus ESS is a comprehensive information system that includes various type s of decision support systems, but it is more specific and person oriented. 2. 6 Objective of MIS There are three basic objectives of MIS are discussed below: 1. Operational control: It is the process of assuring that the specific tasks are carried out efficiently and effectively. 2.
Management control: It is the process by which managers ensure that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of organizational objectives. 3. Strategic planning: It is the process of deciding on objective of the organization, on change in these objectives and on the policies that govern the acquisition, use and disposition of these resources. The nature and extent of information required for these purpose greatly depends upon the business environment in which it operates. As small or medium size organization do not have the resources or the organization to have a systematic information system. . 8 Characteristics of MIS The following are the characteristics feature of an MIS (a) Management oriented: This is the most significant characteristics of MIS the system is designed from the top down. This does not mean that the system will be geared to providing information directly to top management; rather, it means that the system development starts from an appraisal of management needs and overall business objective. It is possible that middle management or operating management is the focus of the system, such that their needs are the cornerstone on which the system is built. b) Management directed: Because of the management orientation of MIS, it is imperative that management activity direct the system development efforts involvement is not enough. It is rare to find an MIS where the manager himself or a high-level reprehensive of his department is not spending a good deal of time in system design. (c) Integrated: Integration is significant because of the ability to produce more meaningful management information. For example. in order to develop an effective production scheduling system , we must balance , such factors as : * Set up costs * Work force Overtime rates * Production capacity * Inventory levels * Capital requirements * Customer service A system that ignores one of these elements –inventory, level for example is not providing management with an optional schedule. (d) Common data flow: Because of the integration concept of MIS there is an opportunity to avoid duplication and redundancy in data gathering, storage and dissemination for example- customer orders are the basis for building the customer for goods ordered, setting up the accounts receivable, initiating production activity, sales analysis, sales forecasting and so on. e) Heavy planning element: Management information system does not occur overnight, they take from three to five years and longer to get established firmly within a company. Therefore a heavy planning element must be present in MIS development. (f) Sub system concept (g) Flexibility and easy of use (h) Database (i) Distributed data processing (j) Information as a resource 2. 8 Roles of MIS (The performance monitoring role) The MIS has many roles to perform like the decision support role, the performance monitoring role and the functional support role.
MIS are not just statistics and data analysis. They have to be used as an MBO (Management by Objectives) tool. They help: * To establish relevant and measurable objectives * To monitor results and performances (reach ratios) * To send alerts, in some cases daily, to managers at each level of the organization, on all deviations between results and pre-established objectives and budgets. * The Functional Support Role Business processes and operations support function is the most basic. It involves collecting, recording, storing, and basic processing of data.
Information systems support business processes and operations by: * Recording, storing and processing sales data, purchase data, investment data, payroll data and other accounting records * Recording, storing and processing inventory data, work in process data, equipment repair and maintenance data, supply chain data, and other production/operations records * Recording, storing and processing personnel data, salary data, employment histories, and other human resources records * Recording, storing and processing market data, customer profiles, customer purchase histories, marketing research data, advertising data, and other marketing records * Recording, storing an processing business intelligence data, competitor analysis data, industry data, corporate objectives, and other strategic management records use of all the above to implement, control, and monitor plans, strategies, tactics, new products, new business models or new business ventures. * The Decision Support Role The business decision making support function goes one step further. Decision making is an integral part of the functioning of any organization. To facilitate Decision making in this ever-competitive world it is imperative that managers have the right information at the right time to bridge the gap between need and expectation. To facilitate better flow of information adequate Management Information Systems (MIS) is the need of the hour.
Thus it is important to have an understanding of the MIS followed in an organization by all levels of management in order to take effective decisions. A management information system collects and processes data (information) and provides it to managers at all levels who use it for decision making, planning, program implementation, and control. 2. 9 Risks of MIS Management risks show the likelihood of economic events that could negatively affect the operations or earnings of the organization. Management decisions based on erroneous, ineffective or imperfect MIS may boost the risks in specific areas such as commodity pricing, company’s liquidity, interest rates or foreign currency.
A non-secure or poorly programmed MIS can result into hacking, data manipulation, unauthorized data access and routine work disruption that can result to incorrect management decisions or planning. chapter 03 COMPANY OVERVIEW GRAMEENPHONE GRAMEENPHONE is the largest mobile phone company in Bangladesh. In the midst of lack of communication means, GRAMEENPHONE has introduced an effective and user-friendly mobile phone network. It has put a positive impact on the lifestyle of the people of Bangladesh. 3. 1 Ownership: TELENOR owns 62% of GP. It is the state-owned telecommunication company in Norway operating since 1885. It is amongst the oldest, most sophisticated, and diversified telecom companies in the world.
The company has a long history of successful cooperation with other operators and governments in and out of Norway. TELENOR’s home base, Norway, has the highest density of mobile phones in the world and one of the most competitive markets in the field. TELENOR has been playing a pioneering role in the development of GSM, one the latest and most successful versions of cellular technologies. GRAMEEN Telecom the second largest shareholder owning 35% of GP, has been established by GRAMEEN Bank, which believes that a lack of communication facilities in the rural areas is one of the major obstacles to rapid economic development in the rural areas of Bangladesh.
GRAMEEN Telecom’s deep understanding of the people and culture of Bangladesh helps GP to build up convenient and cost-effective communication facilities in the rural areas, which in turn, create more jobs and open up business opportunities there. Marubeni Corporation is one of the largest general trading and investment companies in Japan. The company has a global business network that oversees a number of operations ranging from domestic export and import to offshore trade and retail marketing of finished products. Marubeni invests in manufacturing facilities and infrastructure projects, including in the telecommunications sector. The company owns 9. 5% of GP. Gonofone Development Corp. which owns 4. 5% of GP, is a telecommunications development company based in New York.
In addition, three leading international financial institutions– the International Finance Corporation, Asian Development Bank and the Commonwealth Development Corporation — are also shareholders of GrameenPhone. The three organizations each hold three per cent of preferred shares of GrameenPhone. 4. 2 License and Network GrameenPhone currently holds both a GSM 900 and a GSM 1800 license. The government has not yet announced any plans to issue UMTS licenses in Bangladesh. With the initiative of GrameenPhone, mobile phones are spreading rapidly throughout the country. A huge portion of Bangladesh is under GrameenPhone’s coverage now. Today, more than one in three telephones in Dhaka and Chittagong are mobiles.
GrameenPhone’s network is divided into six zones according to the divisional borders: Dhaka Zone, Chittagong Zone, Khulna Zone, Sylhet Zone, Barisal Zone and Rajshahi Zone. Currently GP is operating in all six zones. The zone in which a subscriber is registered with GrameenPhone is that subscriber’s Home Zone, and all other zones are Remote Zones. GrameenPhone offers the widest coverage in Bangladesh. The population coverage has increased from approximately 85% in 2005 to above 90% in 2006. In addition, GrameenPhone also offers GPRS in most of the country and EDGE in urban areas. 3. 2. 1 Specialties GSM Mobile Operator, Telecommunication Service Provider. 3. 2. 2 Healthline and BillPay:
In 2006, GrameenPhone introduced “HealthLine”, providing around the clock access to medical services for its subscribers via the mobile phone, and “BillPay”, allowing utility bill payments with the mobile phone in selected areas. 3. 3 Products: Under Post Paid Service there are two products 1) GP-GP Regular 2) GP-GP National 3. 3. 1 Subscribers’ Facilities: Grameenphone subscribers enjoy the following GSM features without bearing any additional costs: * Caller ID * Call Waiting * Call Conference * Call Divert * Call Barring * Value Added Services * Voice Mail Service (VMS) * Short Message Service (SMS) * Fax and Data Service (currently available only to corporate clients) * Pre-Paid Service chapter 04 MIS IN GRAMEENPHONE
In today’s world of ever increasing complexities of carrying out business, every organization, in order to survive and grow, must have a properly planned, analyzed, designed and maintained MIS. This need is even more increased because organizations now have to compete not only locally but also globally. Major organizational functions In GRAMEENPHONE major organizational functions- * Sales & Marketing * Major functions of systems: Sales management, market research, promotion, pricing, new products * Major application systems: Sales order info system, market research system, pricing system * Financing and Accounting * Major functions of systems: Budgeting, general ledger, billing, cost accounting * Major application systems:
General ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, budgeting, funds management systems * Human Resources * Major functions of systems: Personnel records, benefits, compensation, labor relations, training * Major application systems: Payroll, employee records, benefit systems, career path systems, personnel training systems * Customer communication * Networking * Data Storage * Utility bill payment system * Software Integrates Facets: * Planning, Manufacturing, Inventory, Sales, Finance, Accounting * Transactions Alert All Involved Factors * Updates Files, Speeds, Action, Cuts Cost * Electronic commerce * Internet Links Buyers, Sellers * Lowers Transaction Costs Goods & Services, Advertised, Bought, Exchanged Worldwide * Business-To-Business Transactions, Increasing. In Grameenphone Company MIS is mostly needed at every single of moment. Without managing the total information related with employees and customers it can not operates its functions. Computer technology everywhere related of the company. The company realizes the potential and importance of information technology and to manage this information for the decision making. The MIS has greatly facilitated and synchronized the information flow in the organization and the management feels that is has played a role in the growth and increased performance of the company Organization computing resources: Software Resources:-
Following software’s are used for the functioning of our information system and organization 1) Application Software: Following application software’s are used in our organization and functioning of our information system * Microsoft Office * NOD32 Anti-Virus * Adobe Reader 2) System Software: Following application software’s are used in our organization and functioning of our information system * Operating System (Windows XP and Linux) for PC’s. * Windows 2003 server for mainframes. Hardware Resources:- Following hardware resources are required for the functionality of IS and organization: * Personal computers * Canon Document Scanners * HP Printers TPS in Grameenphone:
Effective transaction processing system is working in Grameenphone for official transactions, customer dealing, etc Payroll TPS Grameenphone’s payroll TPS is designed to get information and record about employers and employees stored in computers. It get information about the employee from the employee’s department and send it to payroll TPS from where it links that information with the previous record and prepare a report which is forwarded to management. Decision making about organizational function taken throw managing all this information. Management takes record of the employee’s efficiency to work and may declare added bonus or other incentive. And the record is updated in the general ledger as well as the master payroll (HUB). Customer Identification:
At customer care centers data storage about customers this company also use computer technology. Collecting and gathering information about customers, dealing with them for products and services, offering new services to them, solving their problems for service by customer managers all are provided by computer application systems. Online Activity GP allows the customer the option of online uses. Purpose: Career with the organization. Input: Name, resume. Process: The information will send to organization server (HUB). Output: evaluate and select candidate. Sim card operations Different sim card operations and transaction maintain by computer programs.
Call rate, SMS rate, Voice messages record and flexi load transactions, handset facilities, additional service- all are maintain by computers which depends on information systems. MIS uses on these functions gives company better option to reach its own destiny. Telecommunication networking cannot thinkable without information system management. Every call, call-charges, talk-time duration, GSM Features and Value Added Services (all control by computer applications which is set before by computer application programs including different information. Relationship of MIS with TPS: MIS reports and summarizes the organization’s basic operations and these reports come from the basic transition processing systems.
In case of GP organization the TPS’s of Recharge Cards, Payroll and Customer identification etc. provide the basic information about the organization’s activities. These activities are then summarized in the form of reports for the manager so that they can check whether the firm is working properly or not. If there are some flaws then they take control measures to fix those flaws. chapter 04 CONCLUSION It would appear that the role played by MIS within the study companies is undergoing a period of intense transformation—for many this involves a total rethink of their systems, and the way in which they are managed. IT representatives would appear to be ‘shedding’ their image of pure technologists.
Instead, all displayed a keen interest in, and awareness of, the competitive pressures facing their organizations, and how managing information system could be used to Help in combating them. As part of the recognition of the importance of business issues, there is a concurrent recognition of the importance of information, and it play improving customer service—a key differentiator in environments where products are essentially the same. The relationship between management attitudes and the role played by information system is an interesting one. Without support from management it would appear that MIS will never be deployed in innovative ways.
But if MIS does not prove its potential then management will remain distinctly cool and unenthusiastic about its use. This would seem to be particularly true in areas where the company is operating in a relatively stable climate with little or no opposition. If information systems are to be deployed effectively in the organizational arena, and to realize their full potential, strategic or otherwise, such issues must continue to climb up the corporate agenda. Similarly, senior managers must realize that in the continuing search for competitive advantage in an ever more dynamic climate, IS management could, as has been widely maintained, be one of their most valuable (yet underdeveloped) organizational capabilities.
This is a universally accepted fact that all managerial functions are performed through decision making. For taking rational decisions, timely and reliable information is essential and is procured through a logical method of information collecting, processing and disseminating to decision makers. MIS Help decision makers, by providing the required information at various stages of decision making and thus greatly help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. On the other hand, if an MIS is poorly planned and constructed, it may provide inaccurate, irrelevant or obsolete information, which may even prove fatal for the organization.

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