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Posted: February 28th, 2022

Haven Answers

 A standard drink is: A 16-ounce beer B 12-ounce malt beverage C 6-ounce glass of wine D none of the above
As found in recent studies, people who think they are drinking alcohol (but are not) report: A feeling sad B feeling aggressive C finding other people more attractive D all of the above

Effects in judgment are caused by alcohol’s impact on which part of the brain: A nucleus accumbens ->B frontal lobes C hypothalamus D none of the above
How many standard drinks does it take before learning (the ability to take in new information) may be affected: A as few as one or two drinks B as few as two or three drinks C as few as three or four drinks D none of the above
Which of the following statements reflects what is generally found to be true on college campuses: A athletes tend to drink less than non-athletes B members of Greek-letter organizations tend to drink less than non-Greeks C underage students tend to drink less often than students of legal drinking age ->D none of the above
The possibility of alcohol having a long-term effect on the ability to learn and to make decisions is increased by: A drinking as teenagers B drinking as young adults C repeated heavy drinking ->D all of the above
Based on recent studies at American colleges, what percentage of students choose not to drink: A 5% B 10% C 15% ->D 20%
Which of the following factors increases the concentration of alcohol someone consumes from drinking one standard drink: A weighing more B eating certain foods ->C having less body water D none of the above
A blackout is: A passing out ->B not being able to form new memories about what happened when drinking C being able to remember what happened when prompted D none of the above 10: Which of the following is NOT true about hazing: A it is illegal in most states B it often involves alcohol ->C it is a good way to build unity among new members D a and c
Alcohol’s negative effect on academic performance is because of: A interference with the ability to process new information B hangovers leading to missed classes C memory difficulty ->D all of the above
Someone would report experiencing energized or stimulated at the following blood alcohol concentration (even though in actuality their brain activity may be slowing down): ->A 0. 01-0. 05% B 0. 05-0. 10% C 0. 10-0. 15% D none of the above
Adolescent alcohol abusers have shown impairments in cognitive functions: A through the first 24 hours after their last drink B for at least 3 days after their last drink C for at least 1 week after their last drink ->D for at least 3 weeks after their last drink
Which of the following is a potential warning sign that someone is addicted to alcohol: A an increased tolerance to the effects of alcohol B experiencing blackouts C drinking alone ->D all of the above
Women absorb alcohol faster than men because: A they tend to weigh less B they have less of a needed enzyme in their stomach C they have less body water ->D all of the above
If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should: A have them take a cold shower ->B not leave them alone C get them something to eat D all of the above
Which of the following decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose: A eating before and during drinking B setting a personal limit of how many drinks will be consumed C alternating your drinks with non-alcoholic beverages ->D all of the above
High-risk drinking is defined as: A 4 or more drinks on an occasion for women B 5 or more drinking on an occasion for men C neither a or b ->D both a and b
Which part(s) of the brain, when impaired by alcohol, play an important role in learning: A nucleus accumbens B hypothalamus ->C hippocampus D all of the above
Which of the following is affected by alcohol consumption: A decision-making and judgment B motivation and attention C learning and memory ->D all of the above
What percentage of alcohol consumed each year in the U. S. is consumed by people who are underage: A 10% B 15% ->C 20% D none of the above
Which of the following statements is NOT true: A men are more likely to be high-risk drinkers than women >B students from the Southeast are more likely to be high-risk drinkers than students from the Northeast C white men are more likely to be high-risk drinkers than black men D women are less likely to be high-risk drinkers than men
Alcohol can increase the chances of: A contracting a sexually-transmitted disease B having sex unwillingly or with an unwilling partner C damaging relationships ->D all of the above
What proportion of frequent high-risk drinkers report having driven after drinking: A 17% B 37% ->C 57% D none of the above
Which of the following is true: A the percentage of American college students who are frequent high-risk drinkers has increased over the years B the percentage of American college students who are non-drinkers has increased over the years ->C both a and b D neither a or b
When partying, someone can reduce their risk of experiencing negative consequences caused by alcohol by: A keeping track of how many drinks they have had B making sure someone who isn’t drinking controls the car keys C using cups or glasses that contain ordinary/standard sizes of drinks ->D all of the above
Alcohol-induced blackouts are the result of alcohol’s effect on which part of the brain: ->A hippocampus B frontal lobes C hypothalamus D all of the above
 How quickly does the body eliminate, or get rid of, alcohol: ->A 0. 015% per hour B 0. 025% per hour C 0. 15% per hour D none of the above
It is illegal to drive if someone of legal drinking age has a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of: A . 04% or above B . 06% or above ->C . 08% or above D 1. 0% or above
Which of the following is a sign of an alcohol overdose: A impairments in balance B difficulty breathing C unconsciousness ->D all of the above
When alcohol is involved in a possible sexual assault: A the person who committed the sexual assault cannot be held fully accountable for their actions B the person who experienced the sexual assault must bear some responsibility for what happened ->C alcohol consumption does not change the nature of the crime D both a and b
In a national study, what proportion of students reported having their sleep or studying disrupted by someone who was consuming alcohol: A 1 out of 10 B 1 out of 5 ->C 2 out of 3 D 4 out of 5
A key contributor to a headache as a symptom of a hangover is: A the increased stimulation related to alcohol’s effect on the nucleus accumbens B the loss of balance related to alcohol’s effect on the cerebellum C dehydration related to alcohol’s effect on the hypothalamus ->D all of the above
In the past decade, the proportion of students who drink with the intention of getting drunk has: A decreased B remained the same ->C increased D is unknown
About what percentage of sexual assaults (including rapes) on college campuses involve the use of alcohol by either or all people involved: A 30% B 40% C 50% ->D 60%
Alcohol addiction is: A a physiological and psychological dependency on alcohol B another name for alcoholism C a disease ->D all of the above
Drugs such as GHB and Rohypnol when combined with alcohol can: A cause sedation and amnesia B cause unconsciousness or even death C increase one’s vulnerability to sexual assault ->D all of the above
In one study, researchers found that students were actually consuming more alcohol than they realized when they were drinking wine or mixed drinks. How much more alcohol were students consuming than they realized when they had mixed drinks? A 22% B 42% C 72% ->D 92%
It is most accurate to say that growing up in a home where parents drank excessively: ->A affects attitudes toward alcohol but it is difficult to predict how B leads to abstinence C leads to alcohol abuse D has no effect on attitudes toward alcohol
Drinking games can make it difficult to drink safely because: A there is a competitive aspect involved B it is hard to keep track of how much alcohol has been consumed C they disrupt plans to pace drinking ->D all of the above


Which of the following is NOT true: a) hazing is illegal in most states –>b) taking someone else’s prescription drugs is safe since they are legal drugs c) mixing prescription drugs and alcohol is dangerous d) a and c
Which of the following is NOT true: a) taking someone else’s prescription drugs is safe since they are legal drugs b) hazing is not illegal in most states c) mixing prescription drugs and alcohol is dangerous –>d) a and b
 About what percentage of sexual assaults (including rapes) on college campuses involve the use of alcohol by perpetrator, victim, or both: a) 20% b) 30% c) 40% –>d) 50%
In a national study, what proportion of students reported having their sleep or studying disrupted by someone who was consuming alcohol: a) 1 out of 5 b) 2 out of 5 –>c) 2 out of 3 d) none of the above
To reduce the risk of an alcohol overdose, one should: a) keep track of how many drinks they have had b) be aware of their BAC level to reduce their risk c) know what and how much they are drinking ->d) all of the above
Which part(s) of the brain, when impaired by alcohol, play an important role in learning: –>a) frontal lobes b) nucleus accumbens c) hypothalamus d) all of the above
Which part(s) of the brain, when impaired by alcohol, play an important role in learning: a) nucleus accumbens b) hypothalamus –>c) hippocampus d) all of the above
Which part(s) of the brain, when impaired by alcohol, play an important role in learning: a) hippocampus and hypothalamus –>b) frontal lobes and hippocampus c) hypothalamus and frontal lobes ) nucleus accumbens and hippocampus
A key contributor to a headache as a symptom of a hangover is: a) the increased stimulation related to alcohol’s effect on the nucleus accumbens b) the inability to form new memories related to alcohol’s effect on the frontal lobes c) the loss of balance related to alcohol’s effect on the cerebellum –>d) none of the above
A key contributor to a headache as a symptom of a hangover is: a) the increased stimulation related to alcohol’s effect on the nucleus accumbens –>b) dehydration related to alcohol’s effect on the hypothalamus c) the oss of balance related to alcohol’s effect on the cerebellum d) all of the above
Women absorb alcohol faster than men because: a) they tend to weigh less b) they have more of an enzyme in their stomach c) they have more body water –>d) all of the above
Which of the following factors influences blood alcohol concentration (BAC): a) vomiting b) eating certain foods –>c) weight d) all of the above
Which of the following factors influences blood alcohol concentration (BAC): a) height –>b) weight c) vomiting d) all of the above
Sign(s) of an alcohol overdose include: a) skin being bright red and hot –>b) being in a semiconscious state c) breathing being abnormally fast d) a and b
What percentage of alcohol consumed each year in the U. S. is consumed by people who are underage: a) 10% –>b) 20% c) 30% d) none of the above
What percentage of alcohol consumed each year in the U. S. is consumed by people who are underage: a) 10% b) 15% –>c) 20% d) none of the above
What percentage of alcohol consumed each year in the U. S. s consumed by people who are underage: a) 5% b) 10% c) 15% –>d) none of the above
When partying, someone can reduce their risk by: a) knowing how much alcohol someone has put in their mixed drink b) never leaving the drink unattended c) alternating your drinks with non-alcoholic drinks –>d) all of the above
When partying, tips for staying safe include: a) keeping track of how many drinks have been consumed b) never leaving the drink unattended c) avoid rapid increases in BAC levels –>d) all of the above
Students on spring break: a) are not legally accountable for their actions out of their campus jurisdiction –>b) may drink more heavily or in a riskier way than usual because they are in a different setting surrounded by new people c) both a and b d) neither a or b
Attitudes about drinking can be influenced by the home environment if: a) a parent is an alcoholic b) both parents abstain from drinking c) drinking alcohol was common but in moderation –>d) all of the above
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic that may predispose someone (or increase their susceptibility) to alcohol addiction: –>a) gender ) genetic makeup c) the age at which a person first uses alcohol d) brain chemistry
High-risk drinking is defined differently for women (4 drinks in an occasion) than for men (5 drinks in an occasion) because: a) women have less of an enzyme in their stomach b) women absorb alcohol faster than men c) women tend to weigh less than men –>d) all of the above
Effects in judgment are caused by alcohol’s impact on which part of the brain: a) hypothalamus b) cerebellum –>c) frontal lobes d) none of the above
Which of the following is a consequence of alcohol consumption: a) reduced inhibitions ) poor decision-making c) reduced ability to form new memories –>d) all of the above
In order to help a person keep track of one’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC), one should: a) know exactly what they are drinking b) should consider the size of the cup c) keep track of how much they have had to drink –>d) all of the above
A blackout: a) typically occurs at a BAC of 0. 05-0. 10% –>b) is when a person is unable to remember what they did while they were drinking c) is caused by an impairment of the frontal lobes d) all of the above
A blackout: ) typically occurs at a BAC of 0. 10-0. 15% b) is when a person is unable to form new memories about what happened while they were drinking c) is caused by an impairment of the hippocampus –>d) all of the above
blackout is: a) passing out –>b) not being able to form new memories about what happened when drinking c) being able to remember wat happened when prompted d) none of the above
Which of the following is a potential warning sign that someone is addicted to alcohol: a) drinking more than intended b) thinking about drinking throughout the day c) lying about drinking ->d) all of the above
The long-term damage to the ability to learn and remember can happen at what level of drinking: a) as few as two drinks a week –>b) as few as three drinks per day c) as few as six drinks per day d) none of the above
Which of the following is true about learning: a) it is not influenced by the individual student –>b) learning can be affected by other students’ consumption of alcohol c) it typically takes five to six drinks to interfere with the ability to take in new information d) all of the above
Which of the following is true about learning: ) it may take as few as one or two drinks of alcohol to interfere with the ability to take in new information b) it is strongly influenced by the individual learner c) learning can be affected by other students’ consumption of alcohol –>d) all of the above
How quickly does the body eliminate, or get rid of, alcohol: –>a) 0. 015% per hour b) 0. 025% per hour c) 0. 15% per hour d) none of the above
Adolescent alcohol abusers have shown impairments in cognitive functions: a) through the first 24 hours after their last drink b) through the first 48 hours after their last drink ) for at least 5 days after their last drink –>d) for at least 3 weeks after their last drink
In general, as alcohol consumption goes up: a) students’ grades tend to come down b) students are more likely to miss class c) students are more likely to get behind in their school work –>d) all of the above
When combined with alcohol, GHB and Rohypnol can cause a) a temporary increase in one’s sex drive, thereby making one more likely to want sex b) one to be more aggressive, thereby more likely to make sexual advances –>c) sedation and amnesia, making one vulnerable to sexual assault d) none of the above 
GHB and Rohypnol, especially when combined with alcohol: a) decrease inhibitions, thereby making one more likely to want sex –>b) cause severe sedation, making one vulnerable to sexual assault c) make others appear more attractive, thereby making one more interested in sex d) none of the above 
What is the percentage of American college students who are frequent high-risk drinkers: –>a) 23% b) 33% c) 43% d) none of the above 
A standard drink is: a) 12-ounce beer, 5-ounce glass of wine, or 2 ounces of liquor b) 16-ounce beer, 6-ounce glass of wine, or 1. ounces of liquor –>c) 12-ounce beer, 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1. 5 ounces of liquor d) 12-ounce beer, 5-ounce malt beverage, or 2 ounces of liquor
A standard drink is: a) 16-ounce beer b) 12-ounce malt beverage c) 6-ounce glass of wine –>d) none of the above
A standard drink is: a) 12-ounce beer b) 5-ounce glass of wine c) 1. 5 ounces of liquor –>d) all of the above 
A standard drink is: a) 12 oz. beer (5% alcohol), 12 oz. wine cooler (4% alcohol), 3 oz. liquor (40% alcohol) –>b) 12 oz. beer (5% alcohol), 5 oz. wine (12% alcohol), 1. oz. liquor (40% alcohol) c) 16 oz. beer (5% alcohol), 5 oz. wine (12% alcohol), 3 oz. liquor (40% alcohol) d) 12 oz. malt liquor (6% alcohol), 12 oz. wine (12% alcohol), 1. 5 oz. liquor (30% alcohol) e) 16 oz. beer (5% alcohol), 5 oz wine (10% alcohol), 1. 5 oz. liquor 40% alcohol)
Based on recent studies at American colleges, what percentage of students choose not to drink: a) 15% –>b) 20% c) 25% d) None of the above
Someone with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) range of 0. 10-0. 15 would experience which of the following: a) slurred speech ) problems with motor coordination c) a lack of awareness of how impaired they are –>d) all of the above
Which of the following is true about someone experiencing a potential alcohol overdose: a) the best thing to do is sleep it off b) they should eat something to absorb the alcohol –>c) they may still have alcohol in their system that is getting absorbed d) all of the above 
Which of the following statements is NOT true: a) white men are more likely to be high-risk drinkers than black men b) men are more likely to be high-risk drinkers than women ->c) students from the Southeast are more likely to be high-risk drinkers than students from the Northeast d) women are less likely to be high-risk drinkers than men 
Although drinking has been common on college campuses for a long time: a) the percentage of non- drinkers has increased b) the proportion of students who drink with the intention of getting drunk has increased –>c) both a and b d) neither a or b 
Although drinking has been common on college campuses for many years: a) the percentage of non- drinkers has decreased ->b) the proportion of students who drink with the intention of getting drunk has increased c) both a and b d) neither a or b
Which of the following statement(s) reflect what is generally found to be true on college campuses: a) members of Greek-letter organizations tend to drink more than non-Greeks b) athletes tend to drink more than non-athletes c) underage students tend to drink less often than students of legal drinking age –>d) all of the above 
Which of the following statement(s) reflect what is generally found to be true on college campuses: a) athletes tend to drink less than non-athletes ->b) members of Greek-letter organizations tend to drink more than non-Greeks c) underage students tend to drink more often than students of legal drinking age d) b and c
Which of the following statements reflects what is generally found to be true on college campuses: a) athletes tend to drink less than non-athletes b) members of Greek-letter organizations tend to drink less than non-Greeks –>c) underage students tend to drink less often than students of legal drinking age d) none of the above
Alcohol can increase the chances of: a) having sex unwillingly or with an unwilling partner b) contracting a sexually-transmitted disease –>c) both a and b d) neither a or b
Alcohol can increase the chances of: a) contracting a sexually-transmitted disease b) having sex unwillingly or with an unwilling partner c) damaging relationships –>d) all of the above 
Alcohol-induced blackouts are the result of alcohol’s effect on which part of the brain: a) frontal lobes –>b) hippocampus c) hypothalamus d) cerebellum
When alcohol is involved in a possible sexual assault: a) there are lighter penalties because alcohol was involved –>b) the nature of the crime does not change c) the higher the BAC level, the more able some one is to give consent d) both a and c
As found in recent studies, people who think they are drinking alcohol (but are not) report: a) feeling happier b) feeling sexier c) finding other people more attractive –>d) all of the above
As found in recent studies, people who think they are drinking alcohol (but are not) report: a) feeling sad –>b) finding other people more attractive ) feeling aggressive d) all of the above
It is illegal to drive if someone of legal drinking age has a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of: a) . 05% or above b) . 06% or above c) . 07% or above –>d) . 08% or above
Which of the following is true about drinking and driving: a) as long as someone is under the legal limit it is safe to drive –>b) it is one of the leading causes of death among college campuses c) no matter who you are, it is legal to drive with a BAC of less than 0. 08 d) all of the above
Which of the following is NOT true about drinking and driving: a) it s one of the leading causes of death among college students –>b) as long as someone is under the legal limit it is safe to drive c) if under 21, it is illegal to drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in one’s blood system d) b and c
Based on recent studies at American colleges, what percentage of students consume alcohol at least once during a typical month: a) 50-60% b) 60-70% –>c) 70-80% d) 80-90% Q42) Research shows that the brain: a) has essentially finished developing prior to puberty b) has essentially finished developing by the 18 years of age –>c) continues to develop into young adulthood ) none of the above
In all states, for someone who is under 21, it is illegal to drive if their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is: –>a) greater than 0 b) 0. 04% or above c) 0. 06% or above d) 0. 08% or above
High-risk drinking is defined as: a) 5 or more drinks on an occasion for women b) 6 or more drinks on an occasion for men –>c) neither a or b d) both a and b
The initial effect of pleasant comfortable feelings is caused by alcohol’s impact on which part of the brain: –>a) nucleus accumbens b) frontal lobes c) hypothalamus d) none of the above
About what percentage of rapes on college campuses involve the use of alcohol by either or all people involved: a) 30% b) 60% –>c) 90% d) none of the above
Alcohol addiction is: a) a physiological and psychological dependency on alcohol b) another name for alcoholism c) a disease –>d) all of the above
It is most accurate to say that growing up in a home where alcohol use was strictly forbidden: a) leads to abstinence b) leads to alcohol abuse c) has no effect on attitudes toward alcohol –>d) affects attitudes toward alcohol but it is difficult to predict how
It is most accurate to say that growing up in a home where parents drank excessively: –>a) affects attitudes toward alcohol but it is difficult to predict how b) leads to abstinence c) leads to alcohol abuse d) has no effect on attitudes toward alcohol
Alcohol’s negative effect on academic performance is because of: a) interference with the ability to process new information b) hangovers leading to missed classes c) memory difficulty –>d) all of the above
What is the primary way that the body eliminates, or gets rid of, alcohol: a) stomach –>b) through the liver c) both a and b ) neither a or b
Light beer… –>a) Has less calories than regular beer. b) Has less alcohol than regular beer. c) Has less carbs than regular beer. d) Has less calories and carbs than regular beer. e) Has less calories, carbs, and alcohol than regular beer.
“Proof” is.. a) The percentage of alcohol in a drink (twice the alcohol content). b) ID showing that you’re 21. –>c) The content of alcohol in a drink (twice the percent). d) How much of a certain type of alcohol you can drink until you BAC is too high. e) The year the alcohol was bottled.
The following factors can influence you BAC: ->a) Sex, weight, how much food you’ve eaten before drinking b) Sex, weight, family history c) Sex, family history type of alcohol you’re drinking d) Weight, family history, how much food you’ve eaten before drinking e) Weight, family history, type of alcohol you’re drinking
“BAC” stands for: a) The breath test that police give a driver if they suspect him/her of driving under the influence –>b) Blood Alcohol Concentration c) Blood Absolute Content d) Breathe Alcohol Concentration e) Blood Absolute Concentration
You can keep your BAC from getting too high by: a) Eating greasy foods. b) Vomiting c) Taking a shower ) Getting some fresh air –>e) Pacing your drinks
If alcohol has an effect on the frontal lobes, you might see a difference in which of the following list of functions? a) Impulse control, walking, planning, and memory formation. b) Impulse control, decision-making, speaking clearly, and memory formation. c) Impulse control, walking, speaking clearly, and planning. d) Walking, decision-making, planning, and memory formation. –>e) Impulse control, decision-making, planning, and memory formation.
Not being able to remember what happened at a party could be due to alcohol’s impact on the: a) premotor cortex b) temporal lobes ) cerebral cortex d) frontal lobes –>e) hippocampus
Some of the possible effects of hangovers are: a) nausea, fatigue, and forgetting what happened the night before. b) headache, hunger, and sensitivity to light. –>c) nausea, fatigue, and sensitivity to light. d) nausea, hunger, and fatigue. e) dehydration, fatigue, and forgetting what happened the night before.
The more alcohol you drink, the more fluid you lose – and the more fluid you lose, the worse your hangover headache. –>a) True b) False
Which of the following influences the likelihood that a student will drink heavily while in college: a) sex ) race/ethnicity c) geographic location of the school –>d) all of the above
If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should: –>a) not leave them alone b) get them something to eat c) have them take a cold shower d) all of the above
If a man and a woman who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol: a) the man’s BAC will be higher in part because men have more body water –>b) the women’s BAC will be higher in part because men have more body water c) the man’s BAC will be higher in part because men have less body water d) their BAC levels would be the same
In one study, researchers found that students were actually consuming more alcohol than they realized when they were drinking wine or mixed drinks. How much more alcohol were students consuming than they realized when they had wine? a) 13% b) 23% –>c) 53% d) 73%
In one study, researchers found that students were actually consuming more alcohol than they realized when they were drinking wine or mixed drinks. How much more alcohol were students consuming than they realized when they had mixed drinks? a) 22% b) 42% c) 72% –>d) 92%
 In a recent study, approximately what percentage of college students at a major university reported having experienced a blackout: a) 15% b) 25% –>c) 45% d) 55%
Which of the following is affected by alcohol consumption: a) learning and memory b) decision-making and judgment c) motivation and attention –>d) all of the above 
Which of the following is NOT true about sexual assault: a) the higher the BAC level, the less able someone is to give consent b) the person who experienced the sexual assault, if drinking, is partially responsible for what happened c) not saying “no” is equivalent to giving consent ->d) both b and c
Which of the following should increase your concern that someone has a possible addiction to alcohol: a) they participate less in activities they used to enjoy b) they become more isolated c) they seem to be more insensitive to the effects of their drinking on others –>d) all of the above
Alcohol contributes to which of the following: a) violence b) riots c) hazing –>d) all of the above
In a national study, what proportion of students reported being pushed, hit, or assaulted by someone who was consuming alcohol: a) 1 out of 20 ->b) 1 out of 10 c) 1 out of 5 d) none of the above
Which of the following decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose: a) alternating your drinks with non-alcoholic beverages b) setting a personal limit of how many drinks will be consumed c) eating before and during drinking –>d) all of the above
Memory, judgment, and decision-making are first impaired at which of the following blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels: a) 0. 01-0. 05% –>b) 0. 05-0. 10% c) 0. 10-0. 15% d) none of the above 
Which of the following is NOT true about hazing: ) it is illegal in most states b) it often involves alcohol –>c) it is a good way to build unity among new members d) a and c 
Drinking games can make it difficult to drink safely because: a) there is a competitive aspect involved b) it is hard to keep track of how much alcohol has been consumed c) they disrupt plans to pace drinking –>d) all of the above
Which of the following is a sign of an alcohol overdose: a) impairments in balance b) difficulty breathing c) unconsciousness –>d) all of the above
 How many standard drinks does it take before learning (the ability to take in new information) may be affected: –>a) as few as one or two drinks b) as few as two or three drinks c) as few as three or four drinks d) none of the above 
The possibility of alcohol having a long-term effect on the ability to learn and to make decisions is increased by: a) drinking as teenagers b) drinking as young adults c) repeated heavy drinking –>d) all of the above 
In the past decade, the proportion of students who drink with the intention of getting drunk has: a) decreased ) remained the same –>c) increased d) is unknown 
Which of the following factors increases the concentration of alcohol someone consumes from drinking one standard drink: a) weighing more b) eating certain foods –>c) having less body water d) none of the above 
What proportion of frequent high-risk drinkers report having driven after drinking: a) 17% b) 37% –>c) 57% d) none of the above
Drugs such as GHB and Rohypnol when combined with alcohol can: a) cause sedation and amnesia b) cause unconsciousness or even death c) increase one’s vulnerability to sexual assault ->d) all of the above
Someone would report experiencing energized or stimulated at the following blood alcohol concentration (even though in actuality their brain activity may be slowing down): –>a) 0. 01-0. 05% b) 0. 05-0. 10% c) 0. 10-0. 15% d) none of the above 
Which of the following is true: a) the percentage of American college students who are frequent high-risk drinkers has increased over the years b) the percentage of American college students who are non-drinkers has increased over the years –>c) both a and b d) neither a or b

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