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Posted: February 28th, 2022


Module 6 Discussion Forum
Include at least 250 words in your posting and at least 250 words in your reply.  Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Please see syllabus for details on submission requirements.

Module 6 Discussion Question 

Search “scholar.google.com” or your textbook. Include at least 250 words in your reply.  Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post.  Discuss ways organizations have built a CSIRT. What are the components to building an effective and successful CSIRT team? 

Module 7 Discussion Forum
Include at least 250 words in your posting and at least 250 words in your reply.  Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Please see syllabus for details on submission requirements.

Module 7 Discussion Question 

Search “scholar.google.com” or your textbook. Discuss how organizations have faced the challenges that incident handlers are challenged with in identifying incidents when resources have been moved to a cloud environment.

Module 8 Discussion Forum
Include at least 250 words in your posting and at least 250 words in your reply.  Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Please see syllabus for details on submission requirements.

Module 8 Discussion Question 

Search “scholar.google.com” or your textbook. Discuss the issues organization’s face with regards to the protection of its customer information. How might an organization notify its users that all communications are being monitored and preserved? How will end users typically respond to such announcements? 

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