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Posted: February 28th, 2022

discussion post – Outline and Thesis Peer Review and Feedback and Targeting your Audience with Emotion-based Visuals

  NEED TO ANSWER ALL TWO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS…also specify which answer goes to which discussion question 

question 1
For your initial post, you will submit your outline and thesis for peer review into the discussion forum. Please COPY and PASTE the outline and thesis directly into your initial post in the discussion forum for others to view. DO NOT attach it as a document. There is no need to add additional text to your post as this may be confused with the content of your thesis and outline.

As a reminder, when you are submitting your outline, each part of your outline should be one section of the book that you are examining. The thesis statement should also be one sentence. It should specify the author, the novel, and the specific areas you intend to discuss in your paper. See your Writing About Literature guide located in the Content folder of Week 01 if you have any questions on how to craft an outline or how to write a thesis statement. Remember, a good thesis statement guides the entire paper and states what you will be discussing in the paper. It should be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph in the paper. Here you may post it at the top of the outline. Let the thesis guide your outline as well.

question 2
Choose one of the following images:

Image courtesy of ASPCA.org advertisement

Image courtesy of: Axe advertisement

Determine the probable target audience.
Describe the culturally familiar visual elements that led you to that assumption.
Discuss how the culturally familiar visuals activate the target audience’s emotional response and why that is important to consider.

*Remember— Analysis requires that you substantiate your ideas with quotes from academic sources and experts in the field. Analysis without substantiated evidence is opinion. Use your etextbook, another academic article or source, or a career or real-life example to support your analysis points in your initial discussion post to demonstrate your full comprehension of the topics.

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