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Posted: February 28th, 2022

Assigning Tasks As A License Practice Nurse

Assigning Tasks As A License Practice Nurse. Module 06 Assignment – Disaster Preparedness Guidelines
Module 06 Content
Competency: Identify the Practical Nurse’s role in disaster preparedness.

Purpose of Assignment:

Scenario: The hospital where you work is revamping its disaster preparedness guidelines to ensure all medical professionals understand their role during all types of medical emergencies. The goal is for medical professionals to understand the types of injuries they will see, their role in triage and interventions, and how all of the roles will work together to provide exceptional care to all patients.


You will select a disaster and create an FAQ that will inform the new guidelines. The FAQ should include the following:

The type of disaster
The presentation of symptoms or types of injuries that would be expected
The things the hospital should have ready in order to provide proper care should the disaster occur (such as PPE, etc.)
The roles of all care professionals in triage and interventions
How the medical team members will work together to provide care

Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
Logical, original and insightful
Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
Submit document through Grammarly to correct errors before submission

APA Online Guide (list Sources, 2020 to date
FAQ for Disaster Preparedness Guidelines:

Disaster: Hurricane

Q: What is a hurricane and what are its symptoms or types of injuries that can be expected?
A: A hurricane is a severe tropical storm characterized by strong winds and heavy rainfall. The symptoms or types of injuries that can be expected during a hurricane are wind-related injuries such as broken bones, lacerations, and head injuries due to falling debris, drowning due to flooding, and illnesses due to contaminated water or food.

Q: What should the hospital have ready in order to provide proper care during a hurricane?
A: The hospital should have an adequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), clean water, and non-perishable food to ensure the safety and well-being of patients and healthcare providers. Additionally, the hospital should have an emergency power supply in case of power outages.

Q: What are the roles of all care professionals in triage and interventions during a hurricane?
A: The roles of all care professionals during a hurricane are to prioritize and provide emergency care to patients with life-threatening injuries first. The licensed practical nurse may Help in triage by assessing and categorizing patients based on the severity of their injuries. Other healthcare providers, such as doctors, nurses, and paramedics, may provide medical treatment, perform life-saving procedures, and coordinate patient transport.

Q: How will the medical team members work together to provide care during a hurricane?
A: During a hurricane, the medical team members will work together to provide care by following the hospital’s disaster preparedness plan. They will communicate effectively and efficiently to coordinate patient care and transfer patients as needed. The medical team members will also collaborate to ensure that all patients receive the necessary medical treatment and resources to promote their recovery.


American Nurses Association. (2018). The Role of Nurses in Disaster Management in the U.S. Retrieved from https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/work-environment/disaster-preparedness/nurses-disaster-management/

Federal Emergency Management Agency. (n.d.). Hurricane. Retrieved from https://www.ready.gov/hurricanes

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