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Posted: February 27th, 2022

PSYC305 Week 3 Individual Assignment 2 Latest

PSYC305 Week 3 Individual Assignment 2 Latest

Take the Big 5 Personality Inventory on p. 387 in our book. Write a 400- to 600-word summary of your personality, as described by the Big 5 Inventory.

Discuss the upsides and the downsides of the pattern of the five dimensions or traits of your personality.

We know that three of the Big 5—conscientiousness, openness, and extroversion—are closely associated with leadership effectiveness.

How do your scores reflect your readiness to become a leader? Include a reflection about how your personality shapes your behavior toward work, school, and teamwork.

PSYC305 Week 5 Individual Assignment 3 Latest
Read the case study “Part Five Video Case—Hot Topic: Employees with Passion” on p. 281 of your textbook and answer the ‘Questions for Discussion’ 1 and 2, providing evidence for points you make.

For full points, ensure substantive responses to the questions. See rubric below for criteria for full points.

Don’t forget to submit your assignment.

PSYC305 Week 5 Team Assignment 3 Latest
Objectives of Team Assignment 3

to continue to work in your team with a new leader and members in other roles, all that were specified in Week 2 assignment, for Week 5, and
to participate fully in completing a PowerPoint based on research conducted by your team on the phenomenon of groupthink and at least 3 scenarios/examples in which groupthink has had significant negative consequence.

Tasks and Deliverables

Read the section on “Avoiding groupthink” in the Manning and Curtis book, pp. 256–258. With your team, investigate multiple examples of groupthink and present information about the phenomenon and at least 3 scenarios / examples (other than the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster) in a PowerPoint presentation. Your presentation must cover examples/ scenarios in which groupthink has had a significant consequence.

PowerPoint advice: Every slide should have clear, readable text no smaller than 28 point font; remember to limit your use of full sentences. Each slide should also have some kind of visual to enhance the communication of that content. Using APA guidelines cite your sources, including in-text citations. The professional team product includes an introduction, multiple content slides, and a conclusion, as well as a reference slide. Better products usually have about 15 to 20 slides (four or five from each student). You may need more for more complex products. More detailed guidelines on presentation techniques is provided in a document “PowerPoint dos and don’ts” in the Files section of the Course Menu.

Submit your team assignment deliverable/product to the team discussion, Files section of the Course Menu for all to see, and to the Team Assignment area. The presentation is posted in the team discussions so that you can all work on it, and the team leader or designee should post a final copy in the Files section of the Course Menu so other teams can see it. Each participating team member should post the same final copy in his or her own Team Assignment area so that it can be graded.

Remember to post the TLMR (Team Leader and Member Report) in Team discussions, and in your own area along with the deliverable/ product (PowerPoint).

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