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Posted: February 26th, 2022

Project: Emerging markets: the case of Turkey

Venture: Emerging markets: the case of Turkey

Your job is to analyse and consider the challenges that Tuerkey was confronted with from 2016-2020. There ought to be a concerted effort to gather and analyze the crucial information for the interval 2016-2020.

It’s understood that you shouldn’t hesitate to hunt the advise of your Teacher , throughout workplace hours or throughout class time.


Introduction (5 marks)

Financial indicators:

Nominal GDP

Charge of GDP progress/decline

Funds surplus/deficit

Overseas debt as a proportion of GDP


Overseas Direct Funding (FDI)

Social safety outlays as a proportion of the GDP

Ranges of employment/unemployment.

Inflation fee

Competitiveness of the Turkish financial system.

(50 marks)

The state of the Turkey banking system. (10 marks)

Turkey and the Euro. (15 marks)

Turkey and EU relations. (15 marks)

Conclusion. (5 marks)

The paper ought to be three.000 phrases, 12 Font/New Occasions Roman, double house.

Assessment rubric

Grade vary






Simple to learn, subject launched, group clearly evident with correct introduction, physique, conclusion

Paper has intro, physique, and conclusion however could take a re-reading to grasp

Disorganized, leaves reader questioning what’s being mentioned; abrupt ending

Fails to satisfy this standards by apparent disregard for the expectations acknowledged in the standards; Disorganized and the reader can’t observe the paper at any size

Relevance to materials (is the subject addressed?)

The scholar’s reflection about the subject is defined in clear language; instantly fascinating and supported with element

Your complete paper’s content material pertains to the immediate or subject; the scholar explains his/her reflections about the subject however could take a rereading to grasp

Scholar doesn’t clearly determine his/her reflections about the subject; could veer from subject

The subject of the paper shouldn’t be addressed in any respect; Fails to stay to the subject subsequently fails to satisfy this standards

Writing fashion/Readability

Persistently exact and unambiguous wording, clear and lucid sentence construction. All quotations are effectively chosen, successfully framed in the textual content and explicated the place crucial.

Principally exact and unambiguous wording, principally clear sentence construction. Principally efficient alternative of citation. Principally efficient framing and explication of citation the place crucial.

Imprecise or ambiguous wording. Complicated sentence construction. Poorly chosen quotations, or ineffective framing and explication of quotations.

Persistently imprecise or ambiguous wording, complicated sentence construction. Quotations contradict or confuse scholar’s textual content. Severe errors; tough to understand


Paper is clear, appropriately formatted (12-point font, Occasions New Roman, regular margins), written in full sentences. Quotations are all correctly attributed and cited in a constant fashion. Nearly no spelling or grammatical errors. APA referencing system is adopted flawlessly

Paper is clear, appropriately formatted (12-point font, Occasions New Roman, regular margins), written in full sentences. Just a few minor spelling or grammatical errors. Correct references are cited and listed in the bibliography and in textual content citations are included however there are just a few errors and omissions.

Paper is clear, appropriately formatted (12-point font, Occasions New Roman, regular margins), written in full sentences. A quantity of spelling or grammatical errors. References are cited and listed in the bibliography however not in the right format; in textual content citations are lacking

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