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Posted: February 26th, 2022


Research via the internet and find an article in the news regarding wireless hacking, hardware hacking, or other security breach.

As security and IT change so rapidly, your article should be no older than 2007 (i.e. Less than 5 years old
The article, iPhone hack allowed device takeover via Wi-Fi, highlights the developments of security and IT changes that has enabled wireless hacking. The article has the highlight that through the exploitation of zero-click exploit, attackers have been able to take complete control of an iPhone that can be accessed within the range of Wi-Fi. The article focuses on Apple products that had a severe security loophole within the iOS feature. It indicates that there were few details on the security loophole before it was fixed. The article references from a blog post which involved Ian, a researcher from Google Project Zero. Ian Beer is described to have made a creation of a radio-proximity exploit with the design that grant total control over an iPhone within the vicinity. The exploit allowed access to basically all data stored on the device, including all private messages, emails, photos and Keychain passwords. Worse still, the exploit would also enable the monitoring, in real time, all things happening on the phone.
From the article, it was clear that the vulnerability to that extend that the attacks would take place from one device to another device without the need for any user interaction. Further analysis, associated the security loophole with Apple Wireless Direct Link protocol utilized for peer-to-peer network communications between iOS devices and power features. The article includes a video demonstration that explains the trivial buffer overflow programing error within the C++ code in the kernel parsing when exposed to remote attackers. According to Ian Beer from the article, the iPhone come with AWDL as the default which is exposed to large and complex attack from any one in radio proximity. The article acknowledges the security loophole was fixed by Apple for their updates on their products as reported by Google Project Zero researchers. In conclusion, wireless hacking exists and can be exploited on most devices.

Phone hack allowed device takeover via Wi-Fi. (2020, December 8). WeLiveSecurity. Retrieved from https://www.welivesecurity.com/2020/12/03/iphone-hack-device-takeover-wifi/
Geltz, B. R., Berlier, J. A., & McCollum, J. M. (2010, March). Using the iPhone and iPod Touch for remote sensor control and data acquisition. In Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2010 (SoutheastCon) (pp. 9-12). IEEE.

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