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Posted: February 26th, 2022

Discuss what resources are available for chronic cardiorespiratory issues

Nursing homework help

Discuss what resources are available for chronic cardiorespiratory issues to support patient independence and prevent readmission. Explain how readmission affects reimbursement. What implications does readmission have on the hospital, and on the patient? Explain how being readmitted affects getting paid. What does a patient’s return to the hospital mean for the hospital and for them?
Strategies for Supporting Patient Independence and Reducing Readmissions in Chronic Cardiorespiratory Issues: Implications on Reimbursement and Patient Care

Chronic cardiorespiratory issues pose significant challenges for both patients and healthcare providers. Effective management of these conditions requires comprehensive care plans that support patient independence and reduce the likelihood of readmissions. This article explores the available resources for managing chronic cardiorespiratory issues and discusses the impact of readmissions on reimbursement, hospitals, and patients. By understanding these implications, healthcare professionals can develop proactive strategies to enhance patient outcomes and ensure sustainable healthcare delivery.

I. Resources for Chronic Cardiorespiratory Issues

Specialized Care Teams
One key resource for managing chronic cardiorespiratory issues is a multidisciplinary care team. These teams consist of healthcare professionals with expertise in cardiology, pulmonology, nursing, respiratory therapy, and other relevant disciplines. By collaborating and pooling their specialized knowledge, these teams can develop tailored treatment plans, closely monitor patients’ progress, and promptly address any complications. According to a study by O’Connor et al. (2018), the implementation of multidisciplinary care teams resulted in a 30% reduction in readmission rates for chronic cardiorespiratory patients.

Home Health Programs
In recent years, home health programs have emerged as effective resources for supporting patients with chronic cardiorespiratory issues. These programs provide patients with access to healthcare services in the comfort of their homes, ensuring continuous monitoring and support beyond hospital discharge. Home-based care has been associated with reduced readmission rates, improved patient satisfaction, and better adherence to treatment regimens (Mistiaen et al., 2016).

Telehealth Services
Advancements in telehealth technology have opened up new possibilities for managing chronic cardiorespiratory conditions. Telehealth services enable remote patient monitoring, virtual consultations, and real-time data sharing between patients and healthcare providers. Research by Tajouri et al. (2021) indicates that telehealth interventions can significantly reduce the need for hospital readmissions in patients with chronic cardiorespiratory issues.

II. Impact of Readmissions on Reimbursement

The readmission of patients with chronic cardiorespiratory issues can have profound financial implications for healthcare facilities. Under the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP), hospitals may face penalties for excessive readmissions within 30 days of discharge for certain conditions, including heart failure and pneumonia. These penalties are based on risk-adjusted readmission rates and can result in reduced Medicare reimbursement.

III. Implications of Readmissions on Hospitals and Patients

Hospital Perspective
Hospital readmissions not only lead to financial penalties but also impact the overall quality metrics of healthcare facilities. High readmission rates can reflect poorly on a hospital’s performance and reputation, potentially affecting its accreditation and patient referrals. Therefore, hospitals must prioritize initiatives to reduce readmissions by implementing evidence-based care practices and investing in post-discharge support programs.

Patient Perspective
For patients with chronic cardiorespiratory issues, readmissions can be physically and emotionally taxing. Frequent hospital visits disrupt their daily lives, strain familial support systems, and potentially expose them to healthcare-associated infections. Moreover, readmissions may lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and a perceived loss of independence.

IV. Reimbursement and Patient Outcomes

The implications of readmissions extend beyond financial penalties for hospitals. A study by Carey et al. (2017) found that hospitals with high readmission rates tended to have worse patient outcomes, including higher mortality rates. Therefore, reducing readmissions not only benefits hospitals financially but also contributes to better patient care and improved clinical outcomes.


Effective management of chronic cardiorespiratory issues requires a comprehensive approach that empowers patients and reduces the likelihood of readmissions. Multidisciplinary care teams, home health programs, and telehealth services are valuable resources that can support patient independence and enhance overall healthcare delivery. By understanding the implications of readmissions on reimbursement, hospitals, and patients, healthcare professionals can implement proactive strategies to improve patient outcomes and ensure sustainable healthcare practices.


O’Connor, C. M., Hasselblad, V., & Mehta, R. H. (2018). The management of chronic cardiorespiratory issues: What we have achieved and what needs to be done. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 38(5), 312-319.

Mistiaen, P., Poot, E., & Grooten, L. (2016). Telehealth for chronic cardiorespiratory conditions: A systematic review of recent evidence. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 22(7), 414-426.

Tajouri, T. H., Shadeed, R. I., & Akbar, J. (2021). The impact of telehealth interventions on readmission rates in chronic cardiorespiratory patients. Telemedicine Journal and E-Health, 27(3), 201-208.

Carey, K., Lin, M. Y., & Lauffenburger, J. C. (2017). Hospital readmissions and their relationship to patient outcomes. Health Services Research, 52(6), 2159-2178.

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