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Posted: February 26th, 2022


What exactly is it? Ethanol is another name for alcohol. Alcohol isn’t good for you. Beer, wine, hard liquor (like whiskey, vodka, and rum), tuba, and fermented yeast are all common ways to get alcohol. One bad effect is drinking too much alcohol. When someone gets drunk, their heart rate, breathing, and gag reflex slow down. Alcoholism is caused by drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol may replace more nutrient dense foods. Malnutrition changes how the body digests and absorbs food. Alcoholism often leads to a lack of vitamin B. The brain is affected by alcohol. Alcohol slows down the brain’s ability to think, make decisions, and control muscles. It also makes it harder to control breathing, temperature, heart rate, and other vital functions. Drinking too much can hurt the liver. When you hurt the liver, you get hepatitis, cirrhosis, and a buildup of fibrous tissue. When used in moderation, alcohol may raise HDL cholesterol, lower blood pressure in some people, make people feel more relaxed, and lower the risk of some chronic diseases. Women shouldn’t drink more than one drink, and men shouldn’t drink more than two drinks. The effects of ethanol, which is the alcohol in your drinks, are the main cause of a hangover. It is a dangerous chemical that works as a diuretic in the body. This means that it makes you pee more, which can leave you dehydrated. Healthcare professionals tell women who are pregnant not to drink alcohol because the baby’s brain is still developing and can be hurt at any time if it is exposed to alcohol. It will mess up your growth and your central nervous system. There is never a good time to drink while pregnant. Alcohol can hurt the baby at any time during pregnancy, even before the mother knows she is pregnant. If a woman drinks alcohol during the first three months of pregnancy, the baby’s face may look different. I used to hear that it was okay to drink wine when you were pregnant, but it looks like that’s not true.

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