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Posted: February 19th, 2022

Journal on “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Mainly the principle level of the story, A Good Man Is Hard to Discover, is that the trendy society has drastically degenerate over the previous years and that the one means for it to change is for folks to repent and renew their religion in God. As well as, the creator, Mary Flannery O’Connor, claims in her story that the many of the youth as we speak now not has ethical values not like the earlier generations. In different phrases, the story can be a comparability between previous and current societies and generations.

As an example her factors and present her comparisons, the creator used the characters as symbols of the previous and current societies. The grandmother represents the previous era during which folks had been extra disciplined and confirmed extra respect as in contrast to the current era.

This distinction between the 2 generations was proven in the beginning of the story whereby the grandmother failed to persuade her son’s household to go to Tennessee as an alternative of Florida. The mere incontrovertible fact that her son’s household selected an alternate path on their means to Florida, which resulted of their homicide by the hands of a younger man and his gang, exhibits that the era as we speak tends to stray from the trail that they need to be taking.
Mainly, the purpose of the creator is had the household remained on the principle highway or had they went to Tennessee as an alternative of Florida, they’d not have been killed. Then again, the assassin, a comparatively younger man known as “the Misfit” within the story, in accordance to the creator, symbolized the current standing of the youth as we speak— misguided and violent. Earlier than the Misfit killed the grandmother, she tried to persuade him that he was a superb man. Ultimately, nevertheless, the Misfit refused to hear to her and shot her 3 times within the chest.
The creator was very efficient in conveying his message that the values of the era as we speak, significantly, the youth, have considerably deteriorated. As well as, she additionally convincingly confirmed how the current society lacks religion as depicted within the Misfit’s refusal to imagine in Jesus in his dialog with the grandmother.

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