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Posted: February 19th, 2022

Atacama region border dispute between chile and bolivia

Atacama border battle is without doubt one of the longest border conflicts on the planet.  It was a border battle between Chile and Bolivia within the 1800s and ended up with signing of the Peace Treaty between Chile and Bolivia in 1904 and Chile and Bolivia in 1929.

On the finish of the battle, Chile annexed all of the coastal strip of Bolivia and the southern tip of Peru.  At a degree in the middle of the battle, Argentina was drawn into the battle ensuing to its annexation of Bolivian territory which as managed by Chile.

Even after the signing of the peace treaty, the battle appears to be happening since Bolivia nonetheless declare to be granted the sovereign entry to Pacific Ocean even after annexation of its costal strip.  Though the realm as owned by Bolivia and Peru, Chile continued with mining mineral rights even after the signing of the treaty which as Bolivia checklist it whole coastal line making it landlocked nation.
The primary reason behind the battle was the abundance of mineral within the Atacama Desert. Atacama Desert is the driest desert on both with little human inhabitation. Nonetheless, it is rather wealthy in minerals particularly sodium nitrate.
This paper will evaluate the Atacama Desert battle. The paper will first evaluate the geographical background of the Atacama Desert earlier than going into particulars of the course of the battle.  The paper will evaluate the principle elements which will have fueled the battle, the course of the battle and the outcomes of the battle.
Geographical background of the region
The region of battle was mendacity within the Atacama Desert.  Atacama Desert it positioned in Chile and it covers multiple third of the northern aspect of Chile stretching for greater than 1000 Km. It straddles the Southern border of the nation with Peru.
The desert is certain on its Westside by dry hills and mounts and on the pacific price aspect extending eastward to the Andes Mountains (MundonAndino, 2009).  Atacama is about 13,000 toes excessive making it the very best and the coldest desert on the planet.
The atacama is the direst place on earth.  It is extremely sterile since it’s blocked from the getting moisture by the Andes Mountain and the coastal Chilean Coast Ranges.
The middle of the   desert has been referred by climatologist as absolutely the desert on earth. So long as climatologists have recorded rainfall on the planet, there isn’t any rain that has been recorded within the central a part of the desert.  Nonetheless, some areas within the desert have recorded annual common rainfall between zero.6 and 2.1 mm resulting in progress of sparsely distributed vegetations.
Within the space the place no rainfall has been recorded, the one moisture in these areas comes from the dense fogs that are referred to as camanchaca fashioned from the affiliation of chilly air and ocean currents which originate from the Antarctic areas.  Life in Atacama is without doubt one of the most complexes since this fog is harvested by each crops and animals alike.  The human beings dwelling in Atacama harvest the fog and use the fog nets which seize the fogs and flip it to ingesting water (Veblen and Kenneth 2000, p. 26).
The panorama is similar because it meteorology.  The panorama consists of plateaus coated by lava flows and basins of salt.  From the picture above, the conspicuous white space is a Salt Flat which is positioned few miles south of one of many small village in San Pedro which is thought to be the epicenter of the desert.
Atacama is without doubt one of the sparsely inhabitants areas on earth.  Nonetheless, there may be an oasis on the center of the desert which is elevated 200 meters the place the village of San Pedro De Atacama lies.  Apparenlty this can be a church which was constructed by Spanish conquerors round 1577 (Fernand 1984, p. 59)).
Earlier than the conquest by Spanish, the realm was primarily inhabited by Atacameno tribe which is credited with the development of the some fortified cities known as pucaras. With the approaching of Spanish Empire, there was exceptional progress of cities and tow alongside the coast   which had been primarily as a consequence of progress of silver commerce mined in Potosi and different mines across the desert.
Archeological proof additionally reveals that San Pedro de Atacama might have been the middle for Paleolithic civilizations. Different essential mines that are positioned within the desert embody Escondida mine and Chuquicamata mines.
Regardless of the ragged and dry panorama, Atacama could be very wealthy in minerals.  It’s a wealthy supply of copper and nitrates which has been the topic of battle for alongside time.
The entire desert is awash with deserted nitrate mines. Other than this, the desert has scientific significance as it’s being utilized by scientists to review the attainable survival techniques utilized by the inhabitants (Absolute Astronomy, 2009). Scientists have confirmed that the soil on the middle of the Atacama Desert is like that in mass and the life within the desert might give essential clues to risk of life in mars.

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