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Posted: February 17th, 2022

Research paper

Research Paper Directions:
Choose a analysis Question Assignment.  This Question Assignment will function the subject that you’ll discover and heart on all through your analysis. 
Then, put together an essay of argumentation that focuses on some side of the problem.  Bear in mind—you will need to take a place about this concern and also you MUST embrace a transparent declare that facilities in your place.  Place the declare because the final sentence of the introductory paragraph.

Your analysis venture essay will must be between eight (full) to 10 pages in size.
Learn and punctiliously observe all the tips for MLA on the purdue OWL web site.
https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/useful resource/747/01/
You will have to include eight – 10 exterior sources (Be aware: dictionary.com doesn’t represent a supply. into the essay—use paraphrase and/or direct quotations).  From these sources at the very least four must be books and the remaining could also be database articles, documentaries, and so on.
You will have a Works Cited web page on the finish of your essay that features the eight – 10 sources.
Comply with these type specifics:

Solely write in third individual
Don’t use contractions
Comply with all MLA tips

Your analysis shall be for the next causes:

To determine background or preliminary info.
To help an assertion with information, statistics, or skilled info.
To exemplify an thought with testimony, examples, and the like.
To help the declare

Course of:

Choose a subject that you’ll get pleasure from researching and writing about
Learn and discover this subject rigorously—what are the positions already expressed about this concern?
Choose a particular place that you’ll assert in your declare.  This shall be a working declare that may evolve together with your analysis and rising understanding of your subject.
Start prewriting actions (i.e., brainstorming to seek out out the whole lot you already find out about this subject, asking questions, additional researching this subject)
Research extensively: embrace citations or paraphrases.  Fluctuate your assets. Don’t rely solely on Web assets—factors shall be deducted for not utilizing different assets akin to books, handbooks, journal articles.
Restrict internet assets to those who embrace one among these suffixes: edu, .gov., or .org (unbiased).  For some other Web assets, focus on with me earlier than utilizing.
Wikipedia will not be a suitable web site for this paper.

Different tips:

For this paper you will need to use at the very least eight – 10 exterior sources (Be aware: dictionary.com doesn’t depend as a supply).
A transparent declare must be composed
Current at the very least three causes to point out the logic of your place.  Develop every purpose completely.
Write in third individual (he, she, him, her, his, hers, they, their, them, and so on.)  NO first or second individual.
Works Cited—that is a part of the doc and may seem because the final web page of the doc. Doc the sources and place in alphabetical order.
I’m prepared to write down my paper on Sexual Harassment. 

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