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Functions of Modal Verbs in European and British Legal Documents

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Functions of Modal Verbs in European and British Legal Documents


Researches in languages for particular functions have certified authorized texts as a particular sort of texts. The aim of this examine is to explain linguistic options of modal verbs which had been discovered in differing types of authorized writing and to look at the explanations for his or her use. On this paper I’ll attempt to examine the use of modal verbs in European Directives and British Statutes and to research the expression of obligation in authorized texts reminiscent of contracts that are texts which lay down the obligations and the rights of the events to the contract.

Key phrases: coherence, obligation, modality, laws, selection, assertion, behaviour.

Modal Verbs in Contract Regulation

There are differing types of authorized writing. In line with their function there are operative authorized paperwork, expository paperwork and persuasive paperwork. Legal language is extensively unfold in all areas of social life and it may be mixed with language from totally different domains. The perform of the regulation is double: regulative and constitutive. The authorized style represents a sublanguage which incorporates a variety of texts and situational patterns. The authorized style incorporates a range of sub-genres reminiscent of statutes, conventions and contracts.

There are alternative ways of expressing obligation in authorized English. Legal paperwork might prohibit sure actions, might confer rights or create obligations, might allow or authorize sure actions. Due to this fact, there are 4 varieties of authorized guidelines: authorizations, obligations, prohibitions and permissions. There are particular guidelines used in authorized language to formulate these guidelines nut these are usually not topic to grammar guidelines however to drafting ideas. The current examine will deal with the investigation of grammatical methods of expressing obligation by the use of modal verbs.

The textual organisation of a contract incorporates the next parts: title, introduction, recitals, and definitions, physique of the paperwork, provisions, signatures and dates. The contract regulation developed in the 19th century and derives from the ideas which characterised the Industrial Revolution. However, the origins of contract regulation are far more historical than that and are to be discovered in the early widespread regulation of the Center Ages. The principle preoccupation of society at the moment was land possession and regulation developed in a short time in relation to the safety of possession of land or of pursuits in land. In consequence, the regulation of that point was additionally primarily involved with property rights. The excellence that the regulation drew in phrases of figuring out the enforceability of rights was between formal agreements and casual ones. A proper settlement was one made in writing and which was authenticated by the follow of ‘sealing’. That is the origin of the deed, which was the tactic accepted for switch of land and pursuits in land as much as 1989, when the requirement to finish the doc by the method of sealing was relaxed in favour of the already widespread follow of witnessing the doc.

Narrative contracts usually comprise ambiguities (e.g., conflicts and gaps) and these have to be averted or no less than the conflicts arising from them resolved. Moreover, there could also be complicated interdependencies between contract clauses that may be arduous to trace down. The content material of the contract must be in conformity with the authorized framework and it forces the events to contain themselves in politeness methods in order to keep away from the face threatening acts.

The modal verbs occurring in contracts have double or triple capabilities and this is applicable to the modals shall, will, can and should. The modal will could also be used to specific both an obligation or a prediction, might and can specific permission or risk whereas should might specific obligation (deontic use) or logical necessity. The methods putting the events to the contract beneath some type of obligation are essentially the most ceaselessly used directives in English contracts. With a view to specific obligation in a contract the modal shall is used and expresses the illocutionary pressure of an order: “The distributor shall pay fee on a quarterly foundation…”

The regulation of behaviour in a contract may be made by issuing prohibitions and right here the modal verb shall is used once more:

“The Consultant shall not be entitled to enter into any contract or obligation on behalf of the Firm with out the specific written consent of the Firm being first obtained”.

Statements of permission issued by some authority are normally conveyed with the Helpance of the modal verb might: “The employer might decide the hiring at any time by giving one month’s earlier discover in writing…”

The contract additionally stipulates the restrictions of legal responsibility and the project of advantages that are expressed with the Helpance of shall. On this case essentially the most ceaselessly used verbs in reference to the auxiliary shall are: entitle, relieve, settle for, have energy, and so on.

Within the language of contracts shall represents the principal means of expressing obligations. Obligations and intentions are the principle facets coping with a contract.

The modals shall and may have every been used to specific modal meanings and to mark future time. However shall is never used to point future time. Shall is a modal used to impose obligation on the topic of a sentence. In contract regulation it conveys the that means “has an obligation to”. Legal professionals are inclined to keep away from utilizing the modal should, as a result of they discover it too bossy. One other various as a substitute of shall could possibly be will but it surely appears much less promising.

Even when many authorized drafters are inclined to keep away from utilizing the modal should, this can be a substitute for shall as a method of expressing obligation. The use of should as a substitute of shall might specific any obligation whether or not it’s imposed on the topic of a sentence. For instance:”The Firm should reimburse the Gross sales Supervisor for all approved bills”./”The assembly should happen on the firm’s headquarters”. However a disciplined use of shall to impose an obligation on the topic of the sentence makes clear who owes the duty: “The Firm shall reimburse the Gross sales Supervisor for all approved bills.” An obligation may be expressed in different methods through the use of passive voice: “The Gross sales Supervisor shall be reimbursed for all approved bills.” Or one may use “is entitled to”: “The Gross sales Supervisor shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all approved bills.”

Shall can be used to specific future time in contracts and these might consequence in confusion. There are circumstances when the straightforward current tense can be extra applicable as for instance: “This settlement shall be ruled by the Los Angeles regulation.”

As a result of the truth that shall is uncommon in abnormal speech, this modal verb has been criticized by the Plain English Marketing campaign, which recommends the use of should to specific obligations. (Tiersma, 214).

Comparative Assessment of Modal Verbs in European Directives and British Statutes

Modal verbs normally seem in the sequence of verbs in a verb phrase. They’re finite verb kind with no inflected endings and no previous tense. They’re adopted by the quick infinitive. Essentially the most ceaselessly used modals in authorized English are: shall, might, should, would, will adopted by can, should, ought to. In line with the European type information the enacting phrases of the EU laws may be divided into two linguistic classes: crucial phrases and declarative phrases. The crucial phrases could also be additional divided into constructive and detrimental instructions and permissions and the declarative phrases are these phrases which are applied by advantage of being declared.

The examine of modality is worried with the that means of the modals. Legal language incorporates each deontic and epistemic modality. Epistemic modality exhibits how sure is a speaker about an expressed utterance. Deontic modality includes each language and motion and refers back to the situations when the speaker orders, guarantees or locations an obligation to somebody. Deontic modality may be divided into: a) directives (expressing risk by the use of might or necessity by the use of should); b) commissives (expressing guarantees) and imperatives.

I carried out a comparative Assessment to point out the frequency of the modals in each European and British legislative texts. The European directives used in this work had been taken from the Official Journal of the European Communities and the Acts of Parliament from the net UK Statute Regulation Database.

Desk 2

Act of Parliament Directive ↓ ↓

Shall → 60 301

Ought to → 20 150

Will → 10 6

Would → 30 12

Should → 90 1

Can → 5 30

May → 10 5

Could → 100 96

In line with desk 1 essentially the most ceaselessly used modal verb in the European directive is shall, whereas might is essentially the most ceaselessly used modal in the British Act of Parliament. EU authorized drafters have a tendency to make use of modal verbs in prescriptive statements and ought to is used as a substitute of should as a result of it’s much less sturdy than should. Bhatia states that “shall not solely sustains the parable of precision in authorized language but in addition perpetuates a method and language that differentiates the style from that of different professions”.(Bhatia, 101-102) The verb shall is one of essentially the most ceaselessly used modal auxiliary in legislative writing, particularly in European authorized texts, and subsequently it fulfils a range of capabilities. Crystal and Davy speak in regards to the totally different makes use of of this modal verb and state that in authorized English: “Shall is invariably used to specific what’s to be the compulsory consequence of a authorized determination, and not merely as a marker of future tense, which is its primary perform in different varieties.”(Crystal and Davy, 206-207)

Within the European authorized textual content shall is used to point a constructive command, as for instance:

“For authorisation as a cost establishment, an utility shall be submitted to the competent authorities of the house Member State…”

Shall could also be additionally used to provide instructions or to point future occasions as in the next instance:

“Every factor shall be included in the sum with its constructive or detrimental signal.”

Right here the verb shall might have the that means of is to be included, however it may be additionally interpreted as a future occasion that means that after the directive comes into pressure every factor shall be included in the sum.

Shall can be used in each European and British texts to specific an order:

“ If the cost service consumer gives info extra to that specified in Articles 37(1)(a) or 42(2)(b), the cost service supplier shall be liable just for the execution of cost transactions in accordance with the distinctive identifier offered by the cost service consumer.” (Directive 2007/64/EC, 319-31)

On this instance taken out from the European directive, the modal verb shall signifies the obligations of the cost service supplier which represents the addresser. So, in keeping with this provision the addresser should conform to this obligation of executing the cost transactions.

In British authorized texts shall is used to specific an obligation:

“Accordingly, in figuring out in the case of an offender whether or not it ought to take steps as talked about in subsection (1), the court docket shall even have regard to the issues talked about in these paragraphs.”(Felony Justice and Immigration Act, Half 2, p. eight)

On this instance taken from Felony Justice and Immigration Act shall expresses the obligations of the court docket and the steps that must be taken in figuring out the case of the offender.

Shall can be utilized to specific the appliance of a directive:

“This Directive shall apply to cost providers offered inside the Group.” (Directive 2007/64/EC, 319-9)

Shall can be used to state guidelines:

“This Part shall apply to different cost transactions, except in any other case agreed between the cost service consumer and his cost service supplier, with the exception of Article 73, which isn’t on the disposal of the events.” (Directive 2007/64/EC, 319-30)

On this instance shall serves as an indicator for the appliance of this provision. It additionally signifies the principles in keeping with which this part is legitimate.

Shall could also be used to specific prohibitions:

“…such credit score shall not be granted from the funds acquired or held for the aim of executing a cost transaction;…” (Directive 2007/64/EC, 319-17)

The use of shall may additionally create ambiguity, particularly in British authorized writings:

“No order or rules which, by advantage of part 18A, is or are to have impact for a restricted interval shall be made except a draft of the order or rules has been laid earlier than, and permitted by a decision of, every Home of Parliament”(Felony Justice and Immigration Act, Half four, p. 45).

The predicate from this sentence, containing the modal auxiliary shall refers to an inanimate topic no order or rules. This means rule is imposed an summary factor (in this case order or regulation) and the agent of the motion isn’t specified. So, in this instance we’ve passive voice with out an agent. This development shall + BE + previous participle is ceaselessly used in each varieties on authorized paperwork. The development shall + quick infinitive can be extensively used particularly in European authorized texts. Critics additionally say that authorized drafters ought to keep away from utilizing a detrimental topic with the affirmative kind of shall. (No orders or rules (…) shall be made).

Shall is a modal verb which expresses a authorized obligation, however in most of the circumstances this verb happens with non-human topics. Anna Trosborg argues that “statements with non-human topics sometimes discuss with capabilities of the statutory devices, they clarify when a regulation is effectuated, how far an act extends, whom it impacts, how a time period is to be understood, and so on., and such they function situations to be thought-about by the residents in addition to the court docket.”(Trosborg, 106). On this circumstances the modal verb shall has a declarative perform and listed below are some examples when the modal verb is used with inanimate topics:

“An authorisation shall solely be granted to a authorized individual established in a Member State” (Directive 2007/64/EC, 25).

“A provision shall not be contained by advantage of subsection (1)(b) in a warrant beneath part 4A except it satisfies the next two situations” (Felony Justice and Immigration Act, Half 6, p. 71)

In these texts I didn’t discover any sentences the place human topics are specified.

In most of the situations shall is used in the passive voice with non human topic. As a result of of the truth that most of the passive constructions with shall are agentless, most occurrences of shall are unmotivated.

Verbal teams are characterised by a excessive quantity of non-finites. Among the many finites essentially the most ceaselessly discovered group is modal auxiliary+ be +previous participle, and in this development essentially the most used modal auxiliary is shall which expresses deontic modality. Crystal and Davy say that shall expresses “what’s to be the compulsory consequence of a authorized determination and not merely as a marker of the longer term sense, which is its regular perform”( Crystal, Davy, 206-207).

e.g. : “Such waste shall be topic to all provisions of Directive 75/442/EEC. It shall in specific be:

– destined for duly authorised amenities solely, authorised in keeping with Articles 10 and 11 of Directive 75/442/EEC,

– topic to all provisions of Articles eight, 12, 13 and 14 of Directive 75/442/EEC”( Case C 176/05).

On this instance shall happens in passive sentences. In authorized language shall doesn’t point out the longer term, it signifies an obligation. Shall can be to be discovered in declarations. It’s generally used in authorized language and subsequently it has the perform of indicating that the doc in which it happens is authorized.

The verbs used with shall are chosen from a small quantity of lexical units, reminiscent of apply, be, preclude, exceed, act, vacate, and so on.

The frequency of this modal and the avoidance of the modal auxiliary should exhibits in a approach an enchancment over the British type, however its use in extra additionally results in ambiguities concerning its totally different meanings.

One other modal verb that’s predominantly used in authorized texts is the modal auxiliary might. As desk 1 exhibits, might is essentially the most ceaselessly used modal verb in British Acts of Parliament. Could expresses permission, but it surely has another extra meanings.

The next three examples have been taken from the Felony Justice and Immigration Act and present totally different situations when this modal auxiliary is used:

(1) “…or with the necessities of any neighborhood order or any youth neighborhood order to which he could also be topic…”

(2) “The court docket might make a youth rehabilitation order in respect of the present offence as a substitute of imposing a high-quality…”

(three) “Guidelines beneath sub-paragraph (four)(a) might, in specific, make provision in relation to…”

(four)“The Secretary of State might by order amend paragraph 2, three or four by substituting for any reference to an quantity of cash or a quantity of hours or days there specified a reference to such different quantity or quantity as could also be specified in the order.”

Within the third instance reference is made to the inanimate topic guidelines, whereas in the primary, second and fourth instance references are made to human topics. Within the first sentence we’ve the pronoun he as a topic and in the second sentence the noun court docket. Essentially the most ceaselessly used topic in mixture with the modal might is the noun court docket. Within the first sentence might signifies likelihood, risk though this modal isn’t usually used to convey risk or likelihood. This characteristic is attribute for the widespread utilization. Within the fourth instance might has the that means of to grant a proper or an influence. However this sentence is a bit of bit ambiguous as a result of the modal verb might can merely discuss with the likelihood that the Secretary of State may amend the paragraphs beneath sure circumstances.

The use of the detrimental kind of might may be ambiguous. In spite of the truth that the constructive kind of this modal has a unique that means from should and shall, the detrimental kind is identical. The detrimental kind is used to specific prohibition, one thing that’s forbidden, and that’s the reason this manner ought to usually be averted. Due to this fact might+not is used in the sense of limiting the rights or the powers of a provision as in the next instance:

“The facility conferred by subsection (1) will not be exercised in relation to any sentence or order if an enchantment, or an utility for depart to enchantment, towards that sentence or order has been decided” (Felony Justice and Immigration Act, Half three, p. 206)

Within the instance the detrimental kind of might limits the ability of this provision beneath sure circumstances. Which means the ability beneath part 1 can’t be used in relation to any sentence if that enchantment has already been decided.

The modal verb should is used to explain a requirement or a prohibition and in common English it expresses obligation. As desk 1 exhibits, it’s ceaselessly used in British Acts of Parliament. The European drafters have tried to keep away from utilizing this modal auxiliary, maybe as a result of of the truth that shall is essentially the most ceaselessly used modal verb in the European directives. Nonetheless, critics have argued that the use of shall and should on the identical time results in ambiguity as a result of readers might not perceive any extra whether or not totally different meanings are meant.

Should + not expresses a prohibition, as in the next instance:

“The Secretary of State should not launch an individual beneath subsection (2) except the Secretary of State is happy that it isn’t essential…”(Felony Justice and Immigration Act, Half 2, p. 22).

Should additionally expresses an obligation:

“The place on a reference beneath subsection (1) referring to any individual the Board recommends his speedy launch on licence beneath this Chapter, the Secretary of State should give impact to the advice.” (Felony Justice and Immigration Act, Half 2, p. 22).

Right here the verb should means that the Secretary of State has the duty to provide impact to the advice.

To sum up the capabilities of essentially the most ceaselessly used modals, one can say that the modal shall is essentially the most frequent auxiliary used in the European directives. It fulfils many capabilities from imposing an obligation to creating rights or defining phrases. Could is ceaselessly used in British statutes and expresses permission and authorization. Should is used to specific obligation and prohibition in authorized language and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for shall.

The language of the legislative paperwork isn’t solely informative offering the reader with particulars and helpful details about their rights and obligations, but it surely additionally specifies and mentions the authority which points, orders or prohibits sure acts. This authoritative and permissive dimension is conveyed in authorized English by the means of modal verbs.


Bhatia, Vijay. Analysing Style: Language Use in Skilled Settings. London: Longman, 1993

Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, Cambridge: Cambridge College Press, 1997.

Crystal, David and Davy, Derek. Investigating English Model. London: Longman, 1969.

Garner, Bryan. A Dictionary of Trendy Legal Utilization, second version, Oxford College Press, 1995.

Kimble, Joseph. The Many Misuses of ‘Shall’ in Scribes J. Legal Writing, 1992.

Mellinkoff, David. The Language of Regulation. Boston: Little Brown, 1994.

Taylor, Christopher. Language to language: A sensible and theoretical information for Italian and English translators. Cambridge: Cambridge College Press, 1998.

Tiersma, Peter. Legal Language, Chicago: College of Chicago Press, 1999.

Trosborg, Anna. Rhetorical Methods in Legal Language. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1997.


Case C 176/05, KVZ retec GmbH v Republik Österreich, March 2007

Felony Justice and Immigration Act 2008

DIRECTIVE 2007/64/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 13 November 2007 on cost providers in the inner market amending

Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and repealing Directive 97/5/EC

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