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Posted: January 31st, 2022

Week 5: Knowledge Check Reflection: Identifying Style & Choice In Famous Works


learn chapter 6 and 13

This Knowledge Check Reflection exercise was tailored from the project on p. 343 of your textbook. Please learn the under directions and produce a quick Assessment.

This week our textbook took you on a deep dive into the completely different rhetorical methods and writing model decisions that may add depth, emphasis, and dimension to your writing. These stylistic decisions are what make among the most well-known and timeless speeches in historical past memorable and impactful. Utilizing on-line sources (equivalent to American Rhetroic’s Prime 100 Speeches (Hyperlinks to an exterior website.) at) to seek out the textual content of an es.say or speech by somebody who makes use of figures of speech liberally. Lots of the supplied speeches provide each an audio recording of somebody delivering the speech in addition to the PDF textual content of the speech. Decide one paragraph that’s wealthy in figures and browse it rigorously, critically, and a number of occasions. From there you’ll write a brief response (500 phrases or much less) answering the next questions and finishing the under workouts:

Use chapter 13 to establish the assorted figures of speech you discover on this paragraph and decide which of the rhetorical appeals this paragraph prompts. It’s best to write one paragraph explaining which figures of speech you recognized in your excerpt.
Figurative Language from Chapter 13 contains: Antonomasia, hyperbole, irony, metaphor, metonymy, oxymoron, rhetorical Question Assignment, signifying, simile, understatement, shemes, anaphora, antithesis, inverted phrase order, and parallelism amongst others!
Then rewrite the paragraph, eliminating each little bit of figurative language, doing all of your greatest to nonetheless seize the that means of the paragraph excerpt.
Lastly, you’ll evaluate the unique paragraph with liberal figurative language use to your pared-down model. In what state of affairs would the unique paragraph be extra applicable and why? In what state of affairs would the pared-down model be extra applicable and why?
This train and reflection should meet a minimal of 500 phrases in size
Unique Title on the high of your reflection “Walker WK1 Reflection” will not be authentic. Attempt to suppose outdoors of the field and pull one thing distinctive and particular person from our weekly assigned readings
Project might be Assessed utilizing Knowledge Check Rubric



Chapters 6 and 13

This Knowledge Check Reflection exercise was impressed by the project discovered on web page 343 of your textbook. Please learn the rules under and write a fast Assessment.

This week our textbook took you on a deep dive into the completely different rhetorical methods and writing model decisions that may add depth, emphasis, and dimension to your writing. These stylistic decisions are what make among the most well-known and timeless speeches in historical past memorable and impactful. Utilizing on-line sources (equivalent to American Rhetroic’s Prime 100 Speeches (Hyperlinks to an exterior website.) at) to seek out the textual content of an es.say or speech by somebody who makes use of figures of speech liberally. Lots of the supplied speeches provide each an audio recording of somebody

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Tags: 150-200 words discussion with a scholarly reference, 200-300 words response to classmate discussion question, 250 word analysis essay, bachelor of nursing assignments, case study

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