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Posted: January 31st, 2022

On this page, you should summarize the purpose of the calculations or testing


Unit III Project

Student Name
Columbia Southern University
Course Name
Instructor Name


Executive Summary
On this page, you should summarize the purpose of the calculations or testing (short, concise, and to the point), the major findings (do not discuss the methodology or specifics). The purpose of the executive summary is to give the decision-makers the down and dirty on their problems, options to mitigate or eliminate the issue, and if possible, the estimated costs involved. Do not exceed the purpose of the project. This is especially important if you are being paid as a consultant. Only give the client what they are paying for. This is not from greed, but from a strictly legal standpoint. To do consulting work, you must be covered by insurance, etc., so do not go astray of the contract.

Background (Example Verbiage Only – Tailor this to fit your specific requirement, such as performing calculations for the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Manager)
On March 24, 2018, Be Safe Consulting, Inc. entered a contract to perform the following services:
a) Conduct sampling and analysis for…
b) Provide ventilation measurements on booth exhaust air flow
c) Determine the room air changes in…
Make sure you fully describe what you were instructed or contracted to do and any limitations on that contract, if any.
Do not write the report in first person. (No use of words such as I, we, our, etc.)
Describe in detail, which method, (e.g., equations). was used to determine your results.
Briefly discuss the findings. Insert a table to show air sampling results, with the PEL beside the calculated TWA. (Do not just insert the 8-hour OSHA PEL if employees are working 10-hour shifts. Always calculate the modified PEL in this case.
An example findings section from a report that was prepared for a client as an example:
The results of the samples are as follows:
Note: Multiple results are best presented in table format and single results presented using Bold Font

Calculation Results

Contaminant Concentration (Time-Weighted Average)

Results of Option #1 Ventilation System
Results of Option #2 Ventilation System

Summary and Conclusions

Summarize all your findings and recommendations in this section.

References (If Any)
Format all citations and references in proper APA Style.

Appendix A – Calculations for Time-Weighted Average

Appendix B– Calculations for Permissible Exposure Limit (Modification)

Appendix C – Calculations for Option #1 Ventilation System

Appendix D – Calculations for Option #2 Ventilation System



Project Unit III

Name of the Student

Southern University of Columbia

Course Title

Name of the instructor

Date 2

Executive Synopsis

You should describe the purpose of the computations or tests on this page (brief, simple, and to the point), as well as the significant findings (do not discuss the methodology or specifics). The executive summary’s objective is to provide decision-makers with the lowdown on their difficulties, strategies for mitigating or eliminating the issue, and, if possible, the anticipated costs involved. Do not go beyond the scope of the project. This is especially true if you are paid as a consultant. Only provide the client with what they have paid for. This is not from greed, but from a strictly legal standpoint. To do consulting work, you must be

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