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Posted: January 31st, 2022

Michelle Mason is a 62-year-old African American female who lives at home alone.

Michelle Mason is a 62-year-old African American female who lives at home alone. She has been under the care of her PCP for hypertension and diabetes. Recently she has not been feeling well, she complains of dizziness and fatigue. The dizziness has caused her to be afraid to leave the house. The fatigue has caused her to lose interest in her ADLs. She has been sleeping throughout the night and most of the day, in addition she has not been in contact with her friends or her family.
Develop a Care Pan for Michelle Mason with:
1. Three priority nursing diagnoses
2. One goal for each nursing diagnosis
3. Three interventions for each goal
4. A rationale for each intervention
5. One Assessment for each goal


Name _________________________
Course _________________________
Instructor _________________________

Client’s initials:__________ Actual Developmental Stage: _________________________

Gender: _____ Age: _____ Perceived Developmental Stage: _______________________

Reason for admission (if applicable) _____________________________________________

Analysis (nsg.dx)
Expected Outcomes
(client goals) Implementation
(nursing interventions) Rationales
(Why? w/ references) Assessment
(of goals)

Scoring Code Key Student Name: _____________________
S – Satisfactory
NI – Needs Improvement
U – Unsatisfactory

Please submit this scoring criterion with the Care Plan.
Area to be scored Scoring code
1. Analysis
a. Determined basic needs of the client which are threatened
b. Nursing Diagnosis are in priority order based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and ABC’s (airway, breathing, circulation)
All parts of the nursing diagnoses present and appropriate (Diagnosis statement, Related to (R/T) factors, patient specific – as evidenced by (AEB) subjective and objective (S / O) data)
2. Plan
a. Goals are appropriate (time specific, measurable, focused, realistic) and related to the Nursing Diagnosis
b. Measures to accomplish goal are appropriate
3. Rationale
a. Uses scientific principles
b. Reference sources are noted
4. Implementation
a. Nursing actions carried out are specific and appropriate for goal attainment
5. Assessment
a. Describes clients responses to nursing interventions
6. Determines the extent to which goals have been met
(States goal attained, not attained or partially attained)




Michelle Mason, a 62-year-old African-American woman, lives alone at home. Her primary care physician has been treating her for hypertension and diabetes. She hasn’t been feeling well lately, complaining of dizziness and exhaustion. She is afraid to leave the house because of the dizziness. She has lost interest in her ADLs due to weariness. She has been sleeping all night and much of the day, and she has not communicated with her friends or relatives.


Create a Care Plan for Michelle Mason that includes:

1. Three top nursing diagnoses

2. One objective for each nursing diagnostic

3. There are three interventions for each aim.

4. A justification for each intervention

5. Only one Assessment

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Tags: 150-200 words discussion with a scholarly reference, 200-300 words response to classmate discussion question, 250 word analysis essay, bachelor of nursing assignments, case study

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