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Posted: January 31st, 2022


30080616 [8wk]
Today, the prevalence of social media, the rise of algorithms, filter bubbles,
“bots”, and international hacking efforts have brought the issue of “fake
news” to the forefront of our national and international consciousness. As
you read in the webtext this week, the spread of misinformation is not an
entirely new problem and it does not have one simple solution. However,
there are changes all information consumers can make to how they engage
with stories, facts, and data that can lead us from a “post-truth” world to a
“pro-truth” world.
Begin by reading chapter 4 of the webtext and viewing all of Professor Alex
Edmans’ TED Talk “What to Trust in a ‘Post-Truth’ World”, below.
Alex Edmans
What to trust in a “post-truth” world
Edmans, Al. (2018). What to trust in a “post-truth” world
(Links to an external site.)
. TedTalk. [Video: 17:40 minutes]. Transcripts
Download Transcripts
Discussion Instructions
Initial post: By Thursday of Module 4, create an initial post that responds to
each of the prompts below:
• Edmans argues that confirmation bias causes us to believe
information that confirms our point of view, which sometimes leads to
accepting and sharing information that is fake, misleading, or
• Think of an example of this from your own life. How did confirmation
bias shape your understanding of an issue?
• How do you think we can move beyond confirmation bias to make
sure what we’re accepting and sharing is true?



Today, with the dominance of social media, the advent of algorithms, filter bubbles, and other issues,

“Bots” and multinational hacking activities have brought the subject of “fake news” to the forefront.

“breaking news” to the forefront of our national and global consciousness. As

As you may have seen in the webtext this week, the dissemination of misinformation is not an issue.

It is a whole new problem with no clear answer. However,

There are modifications that all information consumers can make to their engagement.

using tales, facts, and statistics that can bring us from a world of “post-truth” to a world of “truth”

The world of “pro-truth.”

Start by reading Chapter 4 of the webtext and watching all of Professor Alex’s videos.

Below is a video of Edmans’ TED Talk, “What to Trust in a ‘Post-Truth’ World.”

Edmans, Alex


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Tags: 150-200 words discussion with a scholarly reference, 200-300 words response to classmate discussion question, 250 word analysis essay, bachelor of nursing assignments, case study

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