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Posted: January 24th, 2022

From Prison to Praise

From Prison to Praise
A Theology Essay on the Road from Prison to Praise
Being a genuine follower of Jesus Christ is not widely accepted. Church members have been persecuted and imprisoned for their religious beliefs throughout the centuries of the church’s history. Even today, millions of Christians around the world are imprisoned simply for professing their faith in Jesus Christ.

Even in Canada, preachers are being imprisoned for preaching the Word of God and taking a stand for righteousness and morality, actions that are considered criminal.

Despite the fact that you are not in a physical prison with iron bars and razor wire, you are aware that you are bound, chained, and imprisoned by a much crueller captor who has taken advantage of you. Thousands of people are imprisoned in a prison of fear, depression, and despair, as well as in destructive habits, deception, and sin and death. “Because the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour,” says the Bible. We are admonished to maintain our resolve in the face of opposition. No one is safe from the enemy’s assault on their position. (I Peter 5:8–9) Jesus, on the other hand, came to set captives free and to bless them in abundance. (See also Isaiah 61:1 and John 10:10)

When the devil, or circumstances, or the trials of life attempt to imprison us, there is a way out of our predicament. The Bible says in I Corinthians 10:13that We can learn from the lives of Paul and Silas about how God can bring about our release from prison when we follow the principles of His Word. (See Acts 16) Paul discovered that religion alone could not provide this release, but that a vital personal relationship with the living Christ, the Lord of Lords, could and did provide it. (See also John 8:36)

Paul and Silas were arrested and imprisoned, but God miraculously released them. Take note of the principles that led to their release from prison and put them into practise as soon as possible.

First and foremost, PRAYER to Almighty God brings deliverance. Despite the fact that Paul and Silas were severely beaten and thrown in prison, take note of what they accomplished. Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were paying attention to what they were saying. (See Acts 16:25.) (See Acts 16:25.) During your midnight hour, offer a prayer to the God who hears and responds to petition. Giving God your worries and concerns is a good idea because God is concerned about what happens to you (I Peter 5:7). (II Peter5:7; I Peter 5:8) I believe Paul and Silas were also interceding for their adversaries at the same time. “Love your enemies!” Jesus instructed. “Pray for those who persecute you!” says the Lord. (Matthew5:44; Luke 5:44) As a result of Job’s prayer for his accusers, God was able to turn his situation around. Job 42:10 is an example of a formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised formalised (Job 42:10) Prayer has a lot of weight behind it. (James 5:13-16)

In the second place, giving GLORY TO GOD invites God’s presence and power into your life. Prison to Praise was written in the early 1970s by a military chaplain named Merlin Carothers, who later went on to become a pastor. His premise was that expressing gratitude and praise to God will result in release from any prison of circumstances. Paul encourages us to not only continue to pray, but also to “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (Romans 12:1). (I Thessalonians 5:18). (5:18 in I Thessalonians 5) At twelve o’clock in the morning, Paul and Silas were singing to the Lord. When things are going well, anyone can sing and express their gratitude to God. Paul and Silas, on the other hand, sang and praised God in their darkest hour. This is referred to as the sacrifice of praise in the Bible. (Psalm 116:17; 116:18; 116:19) Give thanks and praise to God in the midst of your darkest night, and you will find release. Take note that the other inmates were paying attention to what they were saying. The way you deal with life’s difficulties will serve as an excellent example to others.

Third, the POWER and GLORY of God have resulted in the deliverance of countless people. In response to their prayer and praise, God sent a powerful earthquake to shake the earth. The chains that bound Paul and Silas fell off, and the prison doors swung open. God takes pleasure in displaying His majesty and power. When God appears, there will be a mighty earthquake accompanied by displays of His glory and power. The gospel’s ability to transform lives is undeniable. The Holy Spirit’s power will tremble throughout your entire home and surrounding area. The Lord is capable of accomplishing in ten minutes what we could not accomplish in ten years or a lifetime. If only we would put our faith in Him and stand up for Him.

Fourth, PARDON, through the grace and mercy of God, was able to bring salvation to the jailor and his entire household! (See Acts 16:29-33 for more information). The jailor was on the verge of committing suicide because he feared for his life. Paul reassured him that none of the inmates had gotten out of jail. “Sirs, what do you suggest I do in order to be saved?” the jailor inquired. In the eyes of the jailor, sin, hopelessness, and condemnation held him captive. “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, along with your entire family,” they responded (Acts 16:31). (See Acts 16:31.) Salvation will be accomplished through faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross, resulting in release and salvation. The forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus has brought redemption and freedom to untold numbers of people. Believe in Him and receive Him right now.

Fifth, Paul made a PROMISE to the jailor, telling him that if he only believed, he and his entire family would be saved. If we would claim the many promises of God in faith, we would witness miraculous deliverance from our circumstances. (See also Hebrews 4) God’s promises in Christ are “yes and amen,” which means “yes and amen” (II Corinthians 1:20). (II Corinthians 1:20; II Timothy 1:20).

On the sixth day of the week, PLUKINESS will bring relief from fear and intimidation. Upon discovering that Paul was a Roman citizen, city officials begged him to leave the city. It was Paul who told them to come and release him on their own. Paul wasn’t being arrogant, but rather courageous. We allow the enemy to intimidate us far too frequently. Paul was a man of courage. What exactly is pluck? In order to seize control of something, one must possess or demonstrate determined courage in the face of difficulties. Don’t allow yourself to be held hostage by fear or intimidation. Have a lot of courage. Recognize your identity in Christ.

Apply the principles of God’s Word to your life and you will be released from prison. “He who is set free by the Son is truly set free.” (See also John 8:36)

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