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Posted: December 20th, 2021

strayer university bus302 full course [ all 11 week discussions 8 quizes and all 3 assignments

Week 1 discussion 1Week 1 DiscussionTop of Form·”Management” Please respond to the following:· Review the four management functions in your textbook and determine which represents your greatest strength. Discuss how you can take advantage of this strength to improve performance at your current or future position.· Discuss ways to ease the transition into management for the majority of new managers, including at least one innovative approach not discussed in the text.Week 2 discussion 1″Management and Organizational Environments” Please respond to the following:· Compare and contrast the theories of scientific management with that of the human relations management approach.· From the e-Activity, determine which single component of either the external or internal environment has the most significant impact on the company you researched. Provide specific examples to support your response.Week 3 discussion 1Ethics and Decision Making” Please respond to the following:· From the video, discuss the ethical principles influencing both Hundert’s and Bell’s thinking. Provide specific examples to support your response.· Develop S.M.A.R.T. goals that you see benefitting your current (or future) employer. Provide your rationale.Week 4 discussion 1″Organizational Strategies and Innovation” Please respond to the following:· Analyze the different types of strategies discussed in Chapter 7 to determine which type of strategy is the most difficult for most organizations to implement. Provide specific examples to support your response.· From the video, determine what lessons learned other companies (in vastly different industries) could take away from the innovative practices at Holden. Provide specific examples to support your response.Wee 5 discnn”Global Management and Organizational Structure” Please respond to the following:· Determine the greatest ethical dilemmas created by globalization and the best way to address those dilemmas. Provide specific examples to support your response.· Analyze the kind of organizational structure you currently work under (or worked under if you do not presently work), and the benefits or drawbacks of that structure. Provide specific examples to support your response.6″Leadership and Communication” Please respond to the following:Compare and contrast Path-Goal Theory and Normative Decision Theory with a focus on which you believe leads to the most effective organizational leadership. Provide specific examples to support your response.From the video, analyze the various types of verbal and nonverbal communication to determine what additional information they provide. Provide specific examples to support your response.week 7Managing Teams and Human Resource Systems” Please respond to the following:Assess the impact of “group think” and “slackers” to the overall performance of the team and make two recommendations for how that impact could be mitigated. Provide specific examples to support your response.From the video, determine how the hiring practices at Barcelona Restaurant Group could be leveraged at businesses that do not have such a tight focus on customer service. Provide specific examples to support your response.week 8 discussions”Managing and Motivating Individuals” Please respond to the following:From the video, determine at least two ways that diversity can be used as a strategic advantage by almost any company. Explain your rationale.Assess your current environment at work (or school) and recommend steps you believe would best motivate workers (or students.) Provide specific examples to support your response.week 9″Control and Managing Information” Please respond to the following:Analyze the environment, processes, and procedures at your work or school to determine which aspects can be controlled and which cannot be controlled. Explain your rationale.From the e-Activity, recommend at least three best practices the company you researched could adopt for protecting information vital to its operations. Provide specific examples to support your responseweek 10  “Managing Productivity and Operations” Please respond to the following:From the e-Activity, make one solid recommendation for how the organization you researched could become more productive by applying one of the lessons learned in Chapter 18. Explain your rationale.Analyze the four costs associated with maintaining an inventory to determine which appears to be most controllable by any organization. Explain your rationale.week 11″Assignment 3 PowerPoint Presentation” Please respond to the following:Online students: upload your Assignment 3 PowerPoint presentation to the discussion board. Write a brief introduction paragraph to your presentation. On-ground students: bring a copy of your assignment to class to share with a classmate. Determine two to three best practices, based on other classmate’s presentations, which you can apply to your current or future job.quiz 1 Question 13 out of 3 pointsA manager striving to improve organizational is accomplishing tasks that help achieve organizational objectives.Answer· Question 20 out of 3 pointsEastman Kodak owns a company that manufactures dental radiation equipment. The company, which is run as an independent unit, has experienced excessive financial losses the last three years. The ____ for the company would be expected to develop the long-term plans needed to make the company profitable.Answer· Question 33 out of 3 pointsAfter the makers of Wonder Bread declared bankruptcy, their objectives were to increase revenues by at least 5 percent and reduce net losses by at least 80 percent. Which management function is used to set these goals and help the company meet them?Answer· Question 40 out of 3 pointsCreating a competitive advantage through people relies heavily on the use of which skill to reward people for providing exceptional customer service?Answer· Question 53 out of 3 pointsThe marketing manager of Interstate Bakeries was asked to meet with the organization’s research and development department to explain why the company needed to change its 25-year-old package design for Twinkies. The marketing manager took on an interpersonal role as:Answer· Question 60 out of 3 pointsNestlé was unsuccessful in early attempts to sell its chocolate in India. It discovered its chocolate bars were not suitable for the Indian markets because the candy had to sit in direct sunlight without benefit of air conditioning and became messy. Nestlé adopted an innovation strategy and developed Chocostick, a liquid chocolate, which is very popular. Solving this problem involved what management function?Answer· Question 70 out of 3 pointsA manager engaged in the management function of ____ is determining organizational goals and the means for achieving them.Answer· Question 80 out of 3 points____ is the accomplishment of tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives.Answer· Question 90 out of 3 pointsTypical responsibilities for ____ include setting objectives consistent with organizational goals and then planning and implementing the subunit strategies for achieving these goals.Answer· Question 100 out of 3 pointsAs the human resources manager for Spring Engineering and Manufacturing Corp. in Canton, Michigan, Kim Radeback had to find inexpensive ways to reward high performing employees and bolster morale during a sales-flattening economic downturn. Radeback had to engage in which management function?Answer· Question 110 out of 3 points____ are responsible for creating a positive organizational culture through language and action.Answer· Question 120 out of 3 pointsManagers who train and supervise the performance of nonmanagerial employees and who are directly responsible for producing the company’s products or services are categorized as:Answer· Question 130 out of 3 pointsThe informational role managers’ play when they share information they have collected with their subordinates and others in the company is called the ____ role.Answer· Question 140 out of 3 points____ is defined as getting work done through others.Answer· Question 150 out of 3 pointsA U.S. Marine drill instructor motivating new recruits to challenge themselves is engaged in which management function?Answerquiz 2Which management theorist would most likely have said, “The success of an enterprise generally depends much more on the administrative ability of its leaders than on their technical ability”?Answer· Question 23 out of 3 pointsWhich of the following management theorists used his own personal experiences as a CEO to create his theory of management?Answer· Question 33 out of 3 pointsManagement theorist ____ is best known for his role in the Hawthorne Studies.Answer· Question 43 out of 3 pointsA systems view of management allows managers to ____.Answer· Question 53 out of 3 pointsA(n) ____ is a set of interrelated elements or parts that function as a whole.Answer· Question 60 out of 3 pointsAt about the same time as management theorists were developing scientific management principles in the United States, Max Weber was in Europe developing ____.Answer· Question 73 out of 3 points____ involves managing the daily production of goods and services.Answer· Question 83 out of 3 points____ occurs when 1 + 1 = 3.Answer· Question 93 out of 3 pointsAccording to Chester Barnard, for many managerial requests or directives, there is a zone of indifference. A zone of indifference means ____.Answer· Question 103 out of 3 pointsFrank and Lillian Gilbreth are important to management because they ____.Answer· Question 110 out of 3 pointsAccording to Mary Parker Follett, if managers use ____ to settle or reduce conflict, each of the parties involved give up some of what they want.Answer· Question 123 out of 3 pointsChester Barnard defined a(n) ____ as “a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons.”AnswerAccording to Kohlberg’s model of moral development, people at the ____ use internalized ethical principles to solve ethical dilemmas.Answer· Question 153 out of 3 pointsWhich of the following is a secondary stakeholder group?Answer· Question 163 out of 3 pointsA manufacturer of suntan lotion could set a(n) ____ goal to increase revenues by 8 percent over the next five years and a(n) ____ goal to increase sales next June in the Miami Beach area by 3 percent.Answer· Question 173 out of 3 pointsThe use of ____ in planning produces a false sense of certainty and is often cited as one of the major pitfalls of planning.Answer· Question 183 out of 3 pointsWhich of the following is a possible outcome of planning?Answer· Question 190 out of 3 points____ are types of standing plans.Answer· Question 200 out of 3 pointsThe last step in effective planning is to ____.Answer· Question 213 out of 3 pointsIn case of a fire, most organizations have a series of actions that must take place beginning with notifying the fire department and include evacuating buildings. What kind of a standing plan is described in this example?Answer· Question 220 out of 3 pointsGroupthink occurs in ____.Answer· Question 233 out of 3 points____ is the process of choosing a solution from available alternatives.Answer· Question 240 out of 3 pointsThere are three kinds of ____ plans. They are single-use plans, standing plans, and budgets.Answer· Question 250 out of 3 pointsIt is appropriate to use a(n) ____ approach to manage innovation in more certain environments during periods of incremental change, in which the goals are lower costs and incremental improvements in the performance and function of the existing technological design.Answer· Question 280 out of 3 points____ refers to the production of novel and useful ideas.Answer· Question 290 out of 3 pointsAn innovation stream moves from one technology cycle to another through the process of ____.Answer· Question 300 out of 3 pointsKodak is a company associated with photography. The development of the digital camera forced Kodak into the innovation stream because the new imaging process was a(n) ____.Answeruiz   510 out of 3 pointsFran Wilson Creative Cosmetics is a medium-sized U.S. company that sells 1.5 million tubes of its lipstick annually in Japan. It has no physical presence within the country beyond the fact its products are sold there. Fran Wilson Creative Cosmetics uses ____ to reach the Japanese market.Answer· Question 23 out of 3 pointsWhat are the strategies that can be used to minimize or adapt to the political risk inherent to global business?Answer· Question 30 out of 3 pointsFord Motor Company owns and operates a $1.9 billion manufacturing plant in Brazil. What method for organizing for global business has Ford used in this example?Answer· Question 43 out of 3 points____ is the set of shared values and beliefs that affects the perceptions, decisions, and behavior of people from a particular country.Answer· Question 50 out of 3 pointsNestlé is a company headquartered in Switzerland with manufacturing plants in Columbia, Australia, Canada, Egypt, Kenya, and more than 90 other nations. Nestlé is an example of a ____.Answer· Question 63 out of 3 pointsGlobal business is defined as____.Answer· Question 73 out of 3 pointsIn a multinational firm, managers at company headquarters typically prefer an emphasis on ____ because it simplifies decisions.Answer· Question 83 out of 3 pointsA country or region that has an attractive business climate for companies that want to go global has ____.Answer· Question 93 out of 3 pointsWhat are the two types of political risk that affect companies conducting global business?Answer· Question 100 out of 3 pointsUganda is one of only two countries in the world that produce a mineral required in the manufacturing of cellular phones. A company which mines that rare mineral decided to not invest in the country due to a bloody civil war resulting from a change in rulers. The mining company used a(n) ____.Answer· Question 113 out of 3 points____ occurs when a company sells domestically produced products to customers in foreign countries.Answer· Question 123 out of 3 pointsThe two general kinds of trade barriers are ____.Answer· Question 133 out of 3 pointsProtectionism is the use of trade barriers to protect local companies and their workers from ____.Answer· Question 143 out of 3 pointsThe purpose of pre-departure language and cross-cultural training is to ____.Answer· Question 153 out of 3 pointsIn 2000, the United States imposed a tax on all steel imports in an effort to protect about 5,000 jobs. This tax is an example of a(n) ____.Answer· Question 163 out of 3 pointsKimberly-Clark is subdivided into organizational units called Kimberly-Clark Health Care, which provides products to hospitals, Kimberly-Clark Professional, which sells to businesses, and Kimberly-Clark Consumer, which sells the company’s products to customers. From this information, you know that Kimberly-Clark uses ____.Answer· Question 170 out of 3 points____ is a general term that refers to subdividing work and workers into separate organizational units that are responsible for completing particular tasks.Answer· Question 180 out of 3 pointsA(n) ____ is a form of matrix departmentalization in which managers in different parts of the matrix negotiate conflicts and resources directly.Answer· Question 193 out of 3 points____ departmentalization is notorious for confusion and conflict between project managers in different areas of the organization.Answer· Question 200 out of 3 pointsIn terms of the chain of command, ____ authority is the right to command immediate subordinates, while ____ authority is the right to advise but not command others who are not subordinates.Answer· Question 210 out of 3 pointsAn organization that has increased the number of different tasks that a worker performs within one particular job has engaged in ____.Answer· Question 220 out of 3 points____ is the collection of activities that transform inputs into outputs that customer’s value.Answer· Question 233 out of 3 points____ departmentalization is defined as organizing work and workers into separate units responsible for particular business functions or areas of expertise.Answer· Question 240 out of 3 pointsWhile ____ emphasizes jobs and their authority relationships, ____ emphasizes the activities through which work gets done in the organization.Answer· Question 250 out of 3 pointsA(n) ____ organization is part of a network in which many companies share skills, costs, capabilities, markets, and customers with each other.Answer· Question 260 out of 3 pointsOne of the key assumptions underlying the chain of command is ____, which means that workers should report to just one supervisor.Answer· Question 270 out of 3 points____ is the degree to which a job gives workers the discretion, freedom, and independence to decide how and when to accomplish their jobs.Answer· Question 280 out of 3 pointsOf all types of departmentalization, ____ departmentalization requires the highest level of management skill for successful implementation.Answer· Question 293 out of 3 points____ is characterized by simple, easy-to-learn steps; low variety; and high repetition.Answer· Question 300 out of 3 pointsJob specialization can result in ____.Answer·Leaders who possess the trait of ____ are more decisive and assertive and more likely to gain others’ confidence.Answer· Question 20 out of 3 pointsAccording to the path-goal theory of leadership, what leadership style involves being friendly and approachable to employees, showing concern for them and their welfare, treating them as equals, and creating a friendly climate.Answer· Question 30 out of 3 pointsThe normative decision theory ____.Answer· Question 43 out of 3 pointsWhich of the following is NOT one of the four leadership styles identified in the path-goal theory of leadership?Answer· Question 50 out of 3 points____ refers to the behavioral tendencies and personal characteristics of leaders that create an exceptionally strong relationship between them and their followers.Answer· Question 60 out of 3 pointsRelatively stable characteristics such as abilities, psychological motives, or consistent patterns of behavior, form the basis for the ____ of leadership.Answer· Question 70 out of 3 pointsWhich of the following traits refers to the tendency of leaders to remain even-tempered and consistent in their outlook and the way they treat others even when things go wrong?Answer· Question 80 out of 3 pointsWhich of the following is an example of a situational theory of leadership?Answer· Question 93 out of 3 pointsAccording to the path-goal theory of leadership, ____ involves consulting employees for their suggestions and input before making decisions.Answer· Question 100 out of 3 pointsWhich of the following is another term for initiating structure leadership behavior?Answer· Question 110 out of 3 points____ is the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others to initiate change that will create a positive future for the organization.Answer· Question 120 out of 3 pointsWhich of the following leadership theories uses a decision tree to determine the appropriate level of participation by subordinates in decision-making?AnswerSelected Answer:Blake and Mouton’s leadership gridCorrect Answer:Vroom-Yetton-Jago’s normative decision model· Question 130 out of 3 pointsResearch at three universities has confirmed that two basic leader behaviors, ____ and ____, are central to successful leadership.Answer· Question 140 out of 3 pointsAccording to the path-goal theory of leadership, what type of leadership is being practiced that involves letting employees know precisely what is expected of them, giving them specific guidelines for performing tasks, scheduling work, setting standards of performance, and making sure that people follow standard rules and regulations.Answer· Question 150 out of 3 pointsIn terms of leadership behavior, the term ____ refers to the extent to which a leader is friendly, approachable, supportive, and shows concern for employees.Answer· Question 160 out of 3 points____ is a technique of understanding the speaker’s perspective and personal frame of reference and giving feedback that conveys that understanding to the speaker.Answer· Question 170 out of 3 pointsThe two primary types of grapevine communications networks are ____.Answer· Question 180 out of 3 pointsOne of Canada’s largest financial service providers, wanted to develop a customer-focused sales and service culture, top management developed the main messages, which were consistently communicated to all levels of employees throughout the organization. This is an example of a(n) ____ communication channel.Answer· Question 190 out of 3 points____ is the process by which individuals attend to, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environments.Answer· Question 203 out of 3 pointsIn the model of the communication process presented in the text, ____ makes senders aware of possible miscommunications and enables them to continue communicating until the receiver understands the intended message.Answer· Question 210 out of 3 pointsThe steps in the perceptual process in order are ____.Answer· Question 220 out of 3 pointsWhen the CEO of a large corporation explained to their unionized employees why the company had to reduce healthcare coverage for its employees, he was engaged in ____ communication.Answer· Question 230 out of 3 pointsThe first thing that managers need to recognize when communicating feedback one-on-one to employees is that feedback can be ____.Answer· Question 240 out of 3 pointsA manager, hired to make the company profitable, made sweeping changes in the company. This manager was guilty of belittling the efforts of his managers and making them feel incompetent. In other words, he engaged in ____.Answer· Question 253 out of 3 pointsThe last step in the perceptual process is ____.Answer· Question 263 out of 3 points____ is feedback that is disapproving without any intention of being helpful and almost always causes a negative or defensive reaction in the recipient.Answer· Question 270 out of 3 pointsCoaching is ____.Answer· Question 280 out of 3 pointsKinesics and paralanguage are two kinds of ____.Answer· Question 290 out of 3 pointsIn empathetic listening, ____ is important because it demonstrates that you understand the speaker’s emotions.Answer· Question 303 out of 3 pointsHot Topic is a fast-growing clothing chain targeted to the alternative teen demographic. The owner and founder daily consults with her employees for suggestions on what the stores should carry. An employee suggested that the stores should carry a certain type of soda. The employee’s suggestion was an example of ____ communication.AnswerAssignment 3: Presentation of Assignment 2Due Week 10 and worth 100 pointsIn this assignment, you will condense information from your Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation. Faculty Note: If there is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, allow the student to use the notes section of PowerPoint to write a narrative of what he or she would say if actually presenting.Write a nine (9) slide presentation in which you:Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2 – one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of six (6) slides.Provide a summary slide which addresses key points of your paper.Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior.Explain the multiple aspects of the managerial planning process and the application of various business and corporate-level strategies.Assess how various leadership styles fit cultural differences and effectively operate in global markets.Analyze the importance of ethical behavior to an organization’s culture and the new ethical dilemmas created by globalization.Describe actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in organizations.Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts.Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.Week 4 Assignment 1.strayer.edu/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_115128_1&content_id=_11224603_1#”>SKIP TO COURSE MENU.strayer.edu/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_115128_1&content_id=_11224603_1#”>SKIP TO TOP FRAME TABSContent.strayer.edu/webapps/blackboard/execute/uploadAssignment?content_id=_11224698_1&course_id=_115128_1&assign_group_id=&mode=view”>Week 4 Assignment 1 SubmissionIf you are using the Blackboard Mobile Learn IOS App, please click “View in Browser.”Click the link above to submit your assignment.Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.Assignment 1: Kodak and Fujifilm Due Week 4 and worth 300 points Access articles about the history, business approaches, management, and marketing of Eastman Kodak and Fujifilm. Eastman Kodak has been a developer and pioneer of photographic films for over 130 years. Although it invented the digital camera, the company was unprepared for the rapid changes in new technologies and filed for bankruptcy protection in January 2012. Fujifilm, a Japanese competitor, on the other hand, has been successful in the U.S. and global markets. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:Describe the history and core business of each company.Compare and contrast the approach to management that each company has pursued in order to embrace innovation.Determine what other management differences have impacted the relative success of Kodak and Fujifilm. Provide specific examples to support your response.Evaluate each company’s approach to ethics and social responsibility and the impact those approaches have had on each company’s profitability.Discuss the extent to which management of both companies adapted to changing market conditions.Recommend three (3) ways any company should build in flexibility to back up its decision-making process in order to adapt to changing market conditions.Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Describe the primary functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) and the associated skills, tools, and theoretical approaches that can be used to accomplish these functions.Explain the principal theories and the various approaches to management that have evolved over time and their application to current management situations.Explain the decision-making process management uses to develop viable courses of action to a variety of management situations.Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts.Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.Click the link above to submit your assignment.Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.Assignment 2: Leadership AssessmentDue Week 8 and worth 300 pointsOrganizational leaders are expected to create realistic visions for their companies and the employees they guide, but these visions often have characteristics or properties that differ. There is, therefore, the realization that there is no one best leadership style to guide employees toward accomplishing organizational goals.Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:Analyze the leadership style(s) of a senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO, Director, etc.) in your current or previous organization who made a positive or negative impact on you.Analyze the organizational structure and culture of the company for which you work (or would like to work) to determine its approach to team development, and whether that approach helped to enhance your relationship skills in the workplace.Evaluate the performance of your selected leader based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication to determine if this leader was successful in motivating and empowering you to improve on your work performance. Explain your answer.Determine three (3) best practices organizational leaders can use to motivate employees and discuss their potential benefits.Discuss some of the challenges leaders encounter when managing diversity and how diversity helps business organizations better compete in global markets.Develop an effective business strategy to address the challenges and issues you have identified above.Use at least five (5) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resourcesYour assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior.Explain the multiple aspects of the managerial planning process and the application of various business and corporate-level strategies.Assess how various leadership styles fit cultural differences and effectively operate in global markets.Analyze the importance of ethical behavior to an organization’s culture and the new ethical dilemmas created by globalizationDescribe actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in organizations.Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts.Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.

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