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Posted: December 20th, 2021

RE: Discussion Question w4 Ethical Boundaries, psychology homework help

Question description

Question A: Ethical Boundaries (200 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed
reference. Make sure to include your opinion, observation, etc)
Ethical decisions are not always easy. Consider the
consequences for everyone invited to the party.
Ethical decisions
during a career can occur every day. It may be as simple as giving a client
money for bus fare home, to accepting gifts, telling a joke that the therapist
thought was funny, to sexual misconduct. Boundaries are divided into two types:
1. Boundary crossings (not unethical) and boundary violations (unethical). It
is important to monitor our own behavior but we also have a responsibility to
monitor the behavior of others in our profession. What would you do?
Use specific examples to
help clarify your information.
Question B: Complexity of
the rules of ethics – vignette (200 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference. Make sure to include
your opinion, observation, etc)
Discuss the following.
 A client has been seeing her therapist for over a
year and has worked on recovering from addiction. In addition, there has been
significant progress in the area of the client’s personal relationships.
Because of her progress, the client wants to have a small dinner party with
selected family members and friends to celebrate a milestone in her recovery.
At various points during therapy, the client has included all these selected
individuals in her therapy sessions. The client invites her therapist to attend
as part of her celebration. Should the therapist attend? Why or why not? What
are the possible implications for the therapeutic relationship as a result of
going or not going?
Use specific examples to
help clarify your information.
Question C: Sub-specialties
within clinical psychology (200 word
minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference. Make sure to include your opinion,
observation, etc)
It is common for a
clinical psychologist to have several specialty areas and to gather more
education and training to add another specialty to his or her vita. Psychology
is ever-changing and the field allows the psychologist to branch out and
develop new skills.
Clinical psychology
In this discussion, do some research on one or two clinical
subspecialties of cognitive psychology. Obviously, learning the basic skills of
therapy and treatment takes several years to master (?) but some
subspecialties such as neuropsychology are often developed during an
internship or post-doctoral program. Some subspecialties are developed under
supervision as a result of where the clinician is employed. That
is how I ended up in a forensic setting working with individuals who had
committed sexual crimes. Others are developed later because of new information
in the field or a need for a change.
What interests you as a subspecialty? Why?
Be watchful of sentence
structure, grammar, and other aspects of composition
Question D: Cultural
Influnce (200 word minimum with 1
peer reviewed reference. Make sure to include your opinion, observation, etc)
Culture influences who
we are and how we view the world. It is an important aspect of psychology in
terms of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. It is also an important part of
the ethical standards for mental health practitioners.
1. Culture
Influences Exercise
· Discuss the implications for treatment from the following
potential cultural influences:
o A 2nd-generation, 20-year-old Indian
American female is seeking treatment due to anxiety because of telling her
Muslim parents that she is an atheist.
o A 1st-generation, 50-year-old Greek
American female is seeking treatment because her husband is verbally abusive.
o A 20-year-old Jewish American female and
a 22-year-old African American male are seeking couples counseling because of a
new baby and negotiation of roles and responsibilities.
o A 1st-generation, 60-year-old Cuban
American male is seeking treatment for alcoholism and general dysphoria over
his 30-year-old son still living at home and his 35-year-old daughter having an
affair with a married man.
Question E: ERR The Complexity
of Culture (200 word minimum with 1
peer reviewed reference. Make sure to include your opinion, observation, etc)
Question F: ERR: Clinical
practice with Religious / Spiritual Issues (200 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference. Make sure
to include your opinion, observation, etc)
Question G: ERR: Quality
Improvement in Primary Care and Mental Health Practice (200 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed
reference. Make sure to include your opinion, observation, etc)
Question H: ERR: Ethical
Issues in Exercise Psychology (200 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference. Make sure to include
your opinion, observation, etc)
Question I: ERR; Cultural
Issues in Child Assessment (200 word
minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference. Make sure to include your opinion,
observation, etc)

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