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Posted: December 20th, 2021

PSY 101 Discussion

Question description


This discussion has two options. Select one of the options and indicate which one you chose in your response. Option A:
Dave Fletcher excels in his job. However, he wants more for himself and
his family and feels education can help him move forward in his career.
Having made the decision to finish his education, he has enrolled at
Ashford University. As he comes to the end of his first year in college,
Dave is a 4.0 student, but his performance at work is suffering. Dave
has been informed that if his performance does not improve, his job is
in danger. He wants to keep his job and at the same time continue to do
well in school. Over the next six months Dave is once again excelling in
his job and continuing to do well in school.
Address each of the following criteria as you respond: Identify a theory of motivation from this week’s reading that
you feel best helps us to understand the change in Dave’s behavior. Briefly describe this theory of motivation and discuss how you think it can help us understand Dave’s change in behavior. In what ways was emotion tied to Dave’s change in behavior? How might this same theory of motivation help you to understand your own school and work related behavior? Will you change anything in your own life as a result of what you have studied in this scenario?   Option B:
All her life, Tasha was a healthy weight for her height. Even after her
first pregnancy, she returned to a healthy weight. One year later, she
had her second child. Caring for a newborn and a one-year-old took all
of her time, energy, and focus. So much so, that she no longer has time
to focus on her own health and fitness. She has been slowly gaining
weight and now after another year, she is twice the weight she was
before having her first child.
Tasha’s weight is negatively impacting her mood, the way she feels about
herself, her marriage, and her health. She decides she is going to make
some changes in her life and lose the weight. After three years of
regular exercise, diet, and support groups, Tasha has returned to a
healthy weight.
Address each of the following criteria as you respond: What were the motivational and environmental factors that contributed to the weight gain? Briefly describe which approaches to motivation you feel best help us to understand the change in Tasha’s behavior. In what ways was emotion tied to the weight gain and loss?How might understanding these motivational and emotional factors help you to understand your own health and fitness? Will you change anything in your own life as a result of what you have studied in this scenario?   
Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words and utilize at least
one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer reviewed article
from the Ashford University Library, or a professional web source),
cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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