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Posted: December 20th, 2021

Proposal-Based Presentation transgender bathrooms, writing homework help

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i do not mean to be rude or anything like that but since this assignment has a recording i need the tutor to be a female and has to be america (only because i need to make the recording seem like its me)Proposal-Based PresentationNow that you’ve finished your written proposal, you are ready to create a PowerPoint presentation based on it. This should not be a reproduction of your proposal; rather it is to share information about your proposal with your classmates. In addition to the PowerPoint file being submitted to the drop box, you will use an online e-learning tool to record your presentation.The purpose of this presentation is to familiarize you with giving an oral presentation. You will not be presenting in front of a live group.Your PowerPoint presentation will be recorded and published using the online e-learning tool.A link for the online e-learning tool was sent by email. If you do not have it please contact your instructor.The login ID is your first name.last name. Use your Rasmussen password.Once a recording is approved by the instructor, members of the class will be able to view it.Contact the Personal Support Center if you have any questions or difficulties using the online e-learning tool to record and publish your presentation.Presentation GuidelinesTo create your Proposal Project Presentation, you should not copy and paste large sections of text from your written proposal. A PowerPoint presentation is not the same as a written report. Your slides should include only the main points from your proposal, and these main points should be condensed into short phrases and explanations. Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following elements:Title SlideYour title slide should include the following:An appropriate title for your proposal presentationThe name of this course (in place of the name of the company preparing the proposal)The author’s nameThe date of the presentationProblem Section (2-3 slides)Just as you did in the written proposal, you must prove that a serious problem exists. You may want to answer these questions about your problem:How long has the problem existed?Is it worse now? Why?What are some relevant statistics?What are other people doing to solve similar problems?However, please remember that PowerPoint slides should use short phrases and explanations, not complete paragraphs from your written proposal. You may want to include a visual, especially if your problem section discusses relevant statistics. Any visual included in your presentation should follow the guidelines from Week 06.Audience (1-2 slides)Your slides should explain who the audience of your proposal includes and what their needs are. Tell how you will overcome skepticism. What objections do you anticipate? How will you be sure your proposal is the “winning” proposal for this audience?Solution Section (2-3 slides)Your slides should briefly outline the change you propose and want approved. Your solution should be directly related to the problem you just documented and be appropriate to the audience you’ve described.Again, please remember that PowerPoint slides should use short phrases and explanations, not complete paragraphs from your written proposal. You should consider using visuals in this section if you cite numerical data to support your plan.In the overall format of your PowerPoint slides, please use the following guidelines:Use an appropriate design template. Assume that your presentation will be given in a “bright” room (with the lights on).When recording your presentation, please keep in mind that an online e-learning tool does not “record” slide animation.A Word on Visuals…Make sure your visuals explain, support, or enhance your presentation. Do not use visuals simply as decoration.this is my rough darft that this power point has to be about and have my points Rough
•  Purpose
purpose and goal of this topic of the project is to stop allowing transgender people to use
public restrooms,  locker rooms, and dressing rooms for of their [AL1] .
This issue is important to me because I have a three-year-old daughter that I
don’t want to grow up in the type of lifestyle where it’s acceptable for
opposite sex to change in front of each [AL2] .
I also don’t want to have to worry about when she gets old enough to uses the
public restroom alone.  Nor do I want to
feel unsafe while I’m alone in a public [AL3] .
•  Problem
problem I’m trying to solve is the use of transgender bathrooms locker rooms
and dressing rooms in public stores and [AL4] .
can occur in any public restroom locker room and dressing rooms.[AL5] 
Transgender restrooms affect anyone, parents, women, men, children, and stores
that are allowing transgender
people to use the bathroom they want. I would like to eliminate the
insecurities that are associated with the uncertainty of who is standing next
to you, your wife, your husband, your child. No one should have to be in fear
of something as simple as using
a restroom or changing room. I don’t believe that all transgenders are the
issue. It’s those posing as transgender to gain access to those of the other [AL6] .
There have been numerous reported [AL7] 
already and with each one pushing many away from those stores that allow the transgender
community to roam freely[AL8] .
I have a three-year-old daughter and another child on the way. I do not believe
in over-sheltering kids, but I’m not willing to trust the safety of my children
with the likelihood of someone that could be [AL9] 
a man or woman. [AL10]  could know who they are, they
could be confused, or they could be there for the wrong intent.  I don’t want my children changing in a locker
room with those of the other sex because they shouldn’t have to feel insecure
changing along with many other students and parents just for the few who feel [AL11] . 
I want to make a change for the better-allowing everyone the privacy
they deserve. On top of that where is the line drawn for the age that this is
ok. How do you explain to an eight-year-old why it’s ok for his friend to use
the opposite gender’s bathroom while that child can’t. How are children
supposed to know what is right and wrong this all going to become regarded to
as normal? How is a little girl supposed to understand why there is a boy in
the same restroom as [AL12] ?
the bigger picture changing the bathrooms to gender-neutral would only be
beneficial to schools if those that want to feel more included and feel they
deserve to choose to outweigh the majority that is losing their right to
privacy. Otherwise, as a whole, this is going to cause more problems than it
will do [AL13] . Whether it is meant to do so or
[AL14]  scenario I have discussed with college friends and
family that are in college is that putting these gender neutral
bathrooms everywhere isn’t just allowing the good honest people in. frequently at these
colleges, people are passing out in dorm bathrooms after a night of being [AL15] . Would you rather another female
stumble across your family or [AL16] another intoxicated male. The
number of woman being sexually violated at schools is too [AL17] . By catering to those that are
gender sensitive we are only making a tradeoff. We are making things better for
minority and worse for the [AL18] .
•  Solution
can be many different solutions for this problem. These are the ones I thought
would work for all types of people and not offend anyone. One of the solutions for public restrooms
is to have gender neutral restrooms with single stalls within the room. which
would all have their own toilet, urinal, and sink (Somewhat like a dressing
room). [AL19] Also including floor to ceiling
dividers. The steps I think we need to take to get us to this solutions
is to get everyone on the same page, one way to do this is to start a petition
and to get our voice heard.  Stores could
Then to start remodeling the public restroom, I think it would be
best to start  beginning with the men’s
restrooms and make the woman’s a unisex for the time being (because it’s already
single stalls and they could extend the dividers temporarily overnight). Then when the men’s
restroom is changed into a gender neutral bathroom, they can remodel the
women’s. I believe that public restrooms are different than school bathroom
because schools they are highly concentrated with minors, so I don’t think it
should be allowed in schools at all. But a solution for the transgenders that
are minors in school would be to let transgender use the staff restroom, and
for them have a scheduled time to use the locker rooms and shower. Some ways to
make this happen would also to start a petition get our voice heard, speak in
front of the school board about our concerns. Then [AL20]  would just be as simple as letting
the kids that need to change or shower for gym out of their class a couple of
minutes early and letting them stay a couple of minutes late.
•  Conclusion
being said I still don’t believe that all this effort is worth the time for a
few minority while it’s more damaging to the majority and it only puts the
majority at greater risk for more harmful situations to come. I don’t want to
see a day that it’s socially acceptable for children to be forced out of their
comfort [AL21] , while having to go out of their
own way just to get the privacy that everyone deserves.  A time when it is easy for pedophiles to gain
access to the opposite sex by portraying themselves however need be[AL22] . Especially when so many sexual
assaults get let by with minor charges there won’t be enough to deter them from
acting [AL23] . 
To avoid all of this we would just need a gender neutral restroom with
floor to ceiling dividers with only single person stalls in every public store.

 These are some questions and suggestions my teacher wants me to add in! [AL1]Not
necessarily of their choice but of the sex they identify with.

don’t like the idea of children having to change in front of their own sex at
school.  There should be private areas
for changing, not the open room concept. But what about a child who is
transgender? Where will that child change?

about having family bathrooms available at all stores? 

 [AL4]Repetitive.  How can you change this so it doesn’t say the
same thing as the previous paragraph?

needed because it is already understood.

has this happened? Prove that this is a real issue by showing where this has
happened.  Check out recent news
lines.  I think something did occur but I
can’t remember where.

find- this will support your argument but you can’t just say “there are
reported cases”  because it doesn’t
prove anything.  You need to cite the
specific instance and then cite it. 

are people.  They don’t “roam

the correct word. 

is they? Transgender people or predators? 

if you were the parent of the “few” wouldn’t you want to fight for
your kid to be treated the same?  What is
a creative solution to this? 

When I travel I often see mothers bringing in their boys to the female
bathroom. My girls understand because they boys can’t go into the boys bathroom
by themselves.  I think the age limit is
8 in most places.  Why can’t more public
places have family bathrooms?

do we know this?  Find studies that back
up your statement.


this.  Good example but you need to prove
it but citing it.

this statement.

is a strong statement but needs to be cited. 
Otherwise, it is a generalization.

is a blanket statement.  Many of the
majority don’t care. How can you re-state this with the same passion but more
focused on your point?


about offering a single stall bathroom/locker room area for these kids?

get your point but kids are forced out of their comfort zones daily.  What is a better way to get your point across.

point but not clear. It is missing a transition word or thought.

and you haven’t talked about this at all in the paper.  If you don’t talk about charges in the paper
then you don’t  talk about it in the

Thank you 

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