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Posted: December 20th, 2021

Native Americans: A Marginalized Population Essay Sample

Over the class of clip in our state. many groups in our society have experienced being set apart from sustainable communities. Among them are the immigrants. the homeless. the African Americans. those with physical or mental disablements and the Native Americans. Harmonizing to McIntosh ( 1988 ) . “Whites are taught to believe of their lives as morally impersonal. normative. and mean. and besides ideal. so that we work to profit others. this is seen as work which will let ‘them’ to be more like ‘us’ “ ( p. 1 ) . Unquestionably. this was the instance back in the 19th century when the “White” people thought it would be better to hold the Native Americans be more like them. Marginalization of the Native Americans is a consequence of colonialism ; they were considered to be nescient and hostiles by the “White” colonists. forced to populate on reserves. lost their civilization and values through assimilation and stripped of their rights in society.

Segregation. Social Darwinism. and other discriminatory patterns have led to the marginalisation of Native Americans. ensuing in the lowest criterion of life in the United States. high rates of alcohol addiction. and a important loss of heritage as they are cut off from native rites and linguistic communication and encouraged to meld into the cultural outlooks of mainstream America. Research has shown us that the Native Americans were looked down upon by the “White” people and even thought to be barbarians.

Reyhner. the writer of the “Indian Assimilation Overview” ( 2006 ) says that: The necessity to absorb Native Americans and other minorities is based on the human feature of ethnocentrism. Experts who study civilizations. anthropologist. coined the term ethnocentrism to depict how virtually every civilization in the universe tends to believe that their ain civilization is superior to all other civilizations. and that their manner of making things is normal and other ways of making things are unusual. unnatural. and inferior. ( p. 2 ) Surely when analyzing this. we see non merely has this happened to the Native Americans but to other groups as good in our society yesteryear and nowadays.

Not merely did the Native Americans lose their individuality they were forced to go forth their communities behind and populate on reserves. Our history tells us that the “White” people educated the Native Americans by directing some to boarding schools in the 19th and 20th centuries. The instruction they received was non every bit good as the “White” pupils so as a consequence of this they were non prepared to be productive in society. Harmonizing to Reyhner. the writer of “Contemporary Native American” ( 2006 ) : Success in school and in life is related to people’s individuality ; how they are viewed as a group and separately by others and how they see themselves. Identity is non merely a positive ego construct. It is happening your topographic point in the universe with both humbleness and strength. It is. in the words of Vine Deloria ( Standing Rock Sioux ) . “accepting the duty to be a conducive member of a society” . ( p. 3 ) Furthermore a sustainable community reflects a sense of societal wellbeing. when all its members play a important portion.

Noddings ( 1995 ) provinces. “Caring implies a uninterrupted hunt for competency. When we care. we want to make our really best for the objects of our care” ( p. 2 ) . Obviously. the Native Americans were thought to be barbarians at one clip. so they were non cared for by the White people. If the White society would hold been more compassionate toward the Native Americans. history may hold had a different result. Possibly they would hold been motivated to accommodate to the “White” communities freely. Consequently. they would non had been so stray or separated from the “White” population. Imagine if both populations respected and trusted each other from the really get downing. Possibly together they could hold worked side by side to hold sustainable communities.

In comparing the Native Americans with other groups that have felt the effects of favoritism because of their colour. African Americans have suffered greatly. Although. every marginalized population has the possible to be denied entree to chances. there are some groups likely to see want entirely based on colour. Martin Luther King Jr. ( 1963 ) provinces. When you have to concoct an reply for a five-year-old boy inquiring in agonising poignancy: “Daddy. why do white people dainty coloured people so average? ” ; when you take a cross-country thrust and happen it necessary to kip dark after dark in the uncomfortable corners of your car because no motel will accept you ; when you are humiliated twenty-four hours in and twenty-four hours out by pecking marks reading “white” work forces and “colored” . ( p. 4 ) Throughout the centuries the “White” people have been known to believe of themselves as being superior because of their colour. If we look back at the clip when the White Europeans came to this state they saw no ground to use regulations of award to people they considered barbarians because they looked and acted different.

Some might name this sort of believing Social Darwinism where the “White” race is superior and destined to govern over all others. Clearly. the Native Americans were discriminated because of their colour. which resulted in economic want. However. now they play a immense function in our communities. Although while some Native American Tribes may profit financially because of the casinos. most have the worst criterion of life in the United States. Between the poorness and unemployment. life on the reserves is intolerable for many tribe members. With this in head. the land that was chosen to be allotted to them all those old ages ago by the authorities was bouldery and considered to be unsuitable for farming and hence of small value. As a consequence of this. many folks have struggled today financially with lodging. wellness. educational and societal issues. Due to the fact that there is small aid from the authorities. impracticable land and small integrating with modern society. the economic challenges for the Native American Tribes. are lay waste toing. Harmonizing to Oitancan Mani ( Walking Leader Zephier ) a 32 twelvemonth old Yankton Sioux Tribal member who grew up on Pine Ridge Reservation. Our community was non sustainable. We didn’t hold our ain gardens.

I attempted to works a garden one time or twice while turning up. I may hold even grew some comestible nutrient in it. but that was one time or twice out of my full life. It was unheard of at the clip. the term “sustainable community. ” We were dependent on each other or the authorities for endurance. Mom had to depend on trade goods or authorities issued nutrient to feed us. If we couldn’t acquire that so she would hold a lunch sale or two to pay for nappies for my younger brothers. It was decidedly non sustainable. The construct was about unheard of in my coevals. It existed coevalss before me. but the European life style made certain we got rid of that. O. Zephier ( personal communicating. November 13. 2011 ) While the poorness rate among Native Americans is uncomfortably high. the growing of new concerns owned by them is increasing. Mark A. Tilsen. President of Native American Natural Foods Committee on Senate Banking. Housing and Urban Affairs ( Congressional Testimony ) stated. It is a great plus to our turning concern community to eventually hold a new and turning public transit system.

I besides want to admit and thank you for your on-going support of the Native American CDFI plans. Lakota Funds was the first Native CDFI when it was started in 1985. At that clip. there were merely two Native American concerns on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Today there are 100s. Many of them are members of the Pine Ridge Area Chamber of Commerce. which I am proud to stand for here today. Lakota Funds and other Native CDFIs provide the necessary “first rung” on the economic ladder for most first-generation enterprisers on many reserves. ( Tilsen. 2011 ) The demand for more economic development on the reserves is important for the Tribal members to win in today’s economic system. When the European colonists came to America. they introduced the Native Americans to alcohol. Not merely the colonists. but bargainers as good would frequently utilize intoxicant to merchandise with the Native Americans for their goods. Harmonizing to Winkel. “Certain cultural groups experience alcohol addiction on a wider degree. Native Americans are one such group.

Their rate of alcohol addiction is much higher than the remainder of the population and 1 in 10 Native American deceases is alcohol-related. ” ( Winkel. 2010 ) . Consequently. intoxicant has had a great influence on the Native American’s civilization. Winkel besides states. Research workers over the old ages have shown that the effects of intoxicant on this civilization are besides due to genetic sciences. Looking from the familial degree. certain cultural groups have a cistron mutant that causes inauspicious reactions to imbibing big sums of intoxicant. Groups that possess this “protective gene” include Chinese and Nipponese populations. and it causes them to experience rapid pulse. concern. sickness. and utmost sleepiness. Other groups. including Native Americans. make non possess this cistron mutant. accordingly cut downing the side effects of heavy imbibing. ( Winkel. 2010 ) Besides genetic sciences. the environment that one lives in will find whether they will be an alcoholic or non. Alcoholism frequently co-exists in Native American communities with other jobs like depression. self-hate. and cultural shame. Many Native young person are challenged to experiment with intoxicant and drugs at a really early age. Oi ( Oitancan Mani ) Zephier stated. There wasn’t much to make turning up on the reserve.

My out was athleticss. I have four younger brothers. All we had to make was catch a few friends and we had a full football squad or two hoops squads or a baseball squad. We were invariably playing athleticss. Basketball was my life back so. It kept me consecutive and kept me sober. That was after a few lurchs with marihuana and intoxicant when I was approximately 14 and 15. That didn’t last long. Ma caught me and put me consecutive. That was a tough point in my life. At that age of 14 I watched my grandma dice of a bosom onslaught. I made a determination to remain clean and do good in school and hoops for her. O. Zephier ( personal communicating. November 13. 2011 ) Native Americans. particularly younger persons. will profit from larning more about their heritage and taking pride in their civilization. so they can work towards continuing their hereafter. Possibly since the clip the Europeans foremost traded intoxicant with the Native Americans. it began the downward spiral consequence that they are experiencing today. It has been said that alcohol addiction is an epidemic among the Native Americans.

Winkel ( 2010 ) found “Nearly 12 per centum of Native American deceases are alcohol-related. Traffic accidents and alcoholic liver disease are the most frequent alcohol-related deceases. along with homicide and self-destruction. In civilizations like this that seem to be at a deadlock when it comes to interrupting free from alcohol addiction. there is still hope. Plans run by Native Americans for their ain people can be a really effectual manner to handle alcoholism” ( p. 2 ) . Besides. it seems there are a broad assortment of societal factors that appear to implicate the Native American imbibing jobs specifically. when traditional Native values clash with the values of the dominant society. Harmonizing to Gladwell ( 1996 ) . “When societal scientists talk about epidemics. they mean something specific. Epidemics have their ain set of rules” ( p. 3 ) . Overall. the intoxicant maltreatment non merely affects the household members but all the tribal members every bit good. In its battle against this maltreatment. a tribal community’s most valuable resource is its ain people. Every Native American Tribe lost some of their civilization since the Europeans fit pes on American dirt.

The remotion of most folks from traditional lands to reserves in the semi-arid West cut them off from the beginning of many of their rites. Even on present twenty-four hours reserves. where tribal members are still in close contact with one another. it’s difficult to defy the extract of the larger civilization. Oi Zephier provinces. A long clip ago societal life and calling growing could hold been related to being a good known warrior and protagonist of the full community. When you supported the people they depended on you to Help them remain warm. Many immature work forces did this and endeavor to be this type of individual because it was honest and the people respected them. We have lost many of these people. The regard still exists. but those people are few and far between. O. Zephier ( personal communicating. November 13. 2011 ) Nowadays many Native Americans live in urban countries. losing contact with their reserves and other members of their folk. This makes it harder for these Native people to show and reenforce their civilizations. In add-on. harmonizing to Lucero ( 2010 ) . “The civilization individuality and tribal connection of Americans Indians are normally believed to hold been negatively affected by the urbanisation procedure in which American Indians have been involved during the past half century. American Indians life in the urban environment may be considered to hold lost much of their apprehension of tribal-specific traditions and patterns because of the deemphasis on tribal individualities that appears to hold accompanied urbanization” ( p. 1 ) .

Furthermore. many Native American linguistic communications have been lost over clip. The decease of a Native linguistic communication affairs most because that linguistic communication is portion of the frozen individuality of the members of that folk. Though. Kopetski ( 2000 ) found “Some Native Americans are making an admirable occupation of work outing their ain jobs. resuscitating and keeping the positives facets of their ain civilization and individualities. while integrating modern thoughts and accommodating to and incorporating with the broader culture” ( p. 1 ) . Regenerating Native American linguistic communications and civilizations is a daily battle against the overwhelming influence of the larger American civilization. Despite the struggle between the Native Americans and the White colonists centuries ago. many have tried to continue their Native cultural. Although the rules of colonialism sought to derive power by which of all time means are possible. the Native Americans and the White people of today have learned to populate together to carry through many things.

Native Americans both on and off reserves continue to confront many profound societal and economic challenges. but sustainable alteration must arise within the community. Oi Zephier provinces. Native Americans whom stand near to their traditional ways are merely misunderstood. For illustration. people wonder. why won’t they accept the Black Hills Settlement ( which is up near 1 Billion $ ) and acquire themselves out of poorness. However. our grampss stood and died for this construct that we would ne’er sell the land and credence of that money will intend we sold the land. We didn’t have much of a pick in this money. because that Sioux Nation v. U. S. instance was settled under the construct of Eminent Domain. which meant the land was taken because they needed it. The fundamental law requires them to counterbalance the individual who’s belongings they take. That’s where the 1 billion $ . which is largely involvement right now.

My point is. our grampss would ne’er sell this land. We won’t either. even if it means enduring in poorness. This alone separates us from the apprehension of the American popular civilization. I can’t speak for Native Americans as a whole. but I can talk for my ain people because I do cognize our beliefs. O. Zephier ( personal communicating. November 13. 2011 ) After many battles. the Native Americans of today are eventually accomplishing autonomy and cultural saving through chances in their ain communities. Some Native Tribes are in passage from being poorness stricken to sustainable healthy communities. There are community-based undertakings that are designed to Help them to reconstruct their traditional civilizations and self-government to better their lives socially and economically. Ultimately the purpose in holding a sustainable community is to hold marginalized populations identify themselves with a sense of belonging.

Gladwell. ( 1996 ) . The tipping point. The New Yorker.

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Josephy. A. M. Jr. ( 1994 ) . 500 Nations an illustrated history of North America Indians.

New York. New york: Random House. Inc.

King. M. L. . Jr. ( 1963 ) . Letter from the Birmingham City Jail ( First Version )
Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. afsc. org/ht/d/ContentDetails/i/4019 Kopetski. L. M. ( 2000 ) . Letters. Social Worker. 45 ( 1 ) . 94.

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