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Posted: December 20th, 2021

Music and Children

Research has suggested that music, especially classical music, can have remarkable effects on their minds (Campbell).

It has been monstrance that infants can even respond to music with adult-like capabilities, with the ability to discriminate between differences in free nuance, pitch, rhythm and tempo. Babies also respond to stimuli that deliver music as a reward (“Can Classical”). Research also suggests that classical music can have numerous positive effects on children’s development and health (“Classical”).For example, certain classical selections are shown to have a positive effect on the intellectual and creative development of infants and children in: increased verbal, emotional and spatial intelligence, improved incineration and memory, enhanced right-brain creative processes, and strengthened intuitive thinking skills (“Babies”). One such example of research began with the work of DRP. Francis Archer and DRP. Gordon L.

Shaw from the University of California (Coif). A study done in 1993 revealed that college student’s scores improved on spatial-temporal reasoning tests after listening to Mozart.

Later in the ass’s, Earaches and Shaw performed two more studies. These studies indicated that after listening to Mozart, preschool children in Los Angels and in Wisconsin scored 34%-36% higher n spatial-temporal reasoning tests than children who received no instruction. Since these studies the term “Mozart Effect” has been the buzz phrase that won’t disappear (“Classical”). Another study done in Ohio, using the 30 variations in J. S.

Bach’s Goldberg Variations, BOW 988, discovered that children of different ages were mostly consistent in identifying the “emotion” of the variation as excited, sad, calm, or happy.Even children without music education or background were able to pick out the emotions expressed by the music (“Classical”). These and many other studies encouraged renewed interest in classical music education and focused much deserved attention on the general field of childhood development (Coif). Books have been written, programs put into place and music products of all kinds have been sold in response to the latest research. In a book titled The Mozart Effect, Don Campbell (the author) attempts to associate the music of Mozart with an extended ability to learn, and improved health of body and spirit.He believes that “The more stimulation that a child receives through music, movement and the arts, the more intelligent she or he will turn out” (“Mozart”). Mead Johnson (the makers Of Inflame baby formula) launched a program called Smart Symphonies, a national program designed to raise awareness of the benefits of exposing infants to classical music.

This program features a specially created compact disc entitled Smart Symphonies, which features GRAMMAR-winning classical music such as Mozart Concerto for 2 Pianos, K. 365 (3rd Movement), Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. (2nd Movement), and Mozart Wind Serenade, K. 361 (3rd Movement). These Cad’s are included in more than a million Inflame Diaper Bags given to new mothers as hey leave the hospital (l received one when I had my son in 1999). Furthermore, this program will contribute $3 million over the next three years to help establish the Smart Symphonies initiative, to further research the effects of classical music on brain development in early childhood, and to Help in bringing classical music to more families (“Babies”). The governor of Georgia (Cell Miller) founded another program, somewhat like Smart Symphonies, in 1998.

This controversial program, labeled the Georgia Program, distributes the recording “Build Your Baby’s Brain Power Through The Power of Music” to 1 1 0,000 babies born in Georgia each year. Selections for this recording include works by Handel, Mozart and Vivaldi (“Classical”). As for the music products that are being sold to encourage the ” Mozart Effect”, all one needs to do is walk into a children’s specialty store such as “The Right Start”. Movies, Cad’s and toys for infants and children using classical music as a selling point can be found in stores like these.For example, “The Right Start” sells movies called “Baby Bach”, “Baby Beethoven”, and “Baby Mozart”. I personally have never seen them, but I have friends ho swear their babies are mesmerism’s by them!!! According to Kenneth Steele, an associate professor of psychology at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, all this hype about classical music increasing the intelligence of its listeners is bogus. He feels that “the Mozart Effect is pretty much on the wallet of the parents who are buying the Cad’s.

There is no special effect on the baby. ” Neither his study nor a second study by Christopher F.Chaw brisk could replicate the results of the original 1 993 “Mozart Effect” study done by Earaches and Shaw. However, Earaches explains these allures based on the fact that they measured the effects of the classical music on general intelligence instead of on spatial-temporal abilities. Steele did another study, which indicated that passively listening to Mozart does not increase the ability to do well at general cognitive tasks, however, his new study furthered the theory that music, as an active process, increases certain cognitive functions (“Mozart”).These studies, as contradictory as they are, may cause parents to wonder if they are wasting their money on classical Cad’s, movies and toys for their children. Not to fear! Experts do agree on one thing.

They agree, as do I, that a variety of music in a child’s life, including classical music, can have very enriching benefits (“Can Classical”). For example, according to music therapists, certain tones, rhythms, and vibrations can help treat various medical and behavioral problems. Premature babies seem to thrive when relaxing music is played. It may also slow their heart rates and increase the amounts of formula and oxygen they take in.Any song with a soothing melody and steady rhythm can also calm a colicky or teething baby. Researchers also found that a group of kids with ADD, ages 7 to 1 7, after listening to three 40-minute recordings of classical music a week, were able to focus more on tasks while they listened. Rhythmic music can also help active children settle down or inattentive children attentive.

Don Campbell, the author of The Mozart Effect, believes that rhythm is perceived differently by the brain, so kids are more attentive when you say things musically (Corded). Lastly, music can help improve the moods of children who are ill (Neuron).These benefits may not be obvious to many parents, but the effects of music on any adult are obvious. Think about how USIA affects you D how an upbeat tune fends off the blues and soft music helps you fall asleep. The effects with a baby are no different. Lullabies have a proven track record for soothing any infant (Rebelled). Every night, before lay my I-year-old son down to sleep, I sing to him the same two songs.

He has learned that these are the songs I sing before bedtime. Not only does this help him to relax, it helps us to bond as mother and son. In my opinion, it is clear that music is extremely beneficial to children Of all ages.That is why parents should do their best to make music part of their child’s life. There are many ways to do this. For example, make the stereo or a musical instrument the most important fixture in the house, instead of the television. Play music at bedtime.

Sing to your baby. Let your child make his own music (Rebelled). As Don Campbell says, “From the beginning, you can make use of happy nursery songs, rhythmic rocking, lively dances bounced on the knee, and quiet sessions with soft melodies” (Nelson). The bottom line is this, music should be used less to create baby brains than simply to enrich infants’ lives (Nelson).

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