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Posted: December 20th, 2021

Motor Milestones and Activity/Cognitive Development Paper

Question description
Part one: To prepare for this Discussion: Motor Milestones and Activity

Review the article, “Sport Readiness in Children and Youth,” as well as the online article “Preventing Children’s Sports Injuries.”

Think about one sport that you would encourage a child to play.
Consider the basic motor skills that are present in early childhood.
With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 2

Post the sport you have chosen and the age it is developmentally appropriate for a child to begin participating in the sport. Specify the motor skills required for the sport you have chosen by including a description of the foundational motor milestones and the precise skills needed for the child’s success in the sport. Explain the potential injuries or possible negative aspects of engaging in this sport at too early an age. Summarize your post with a brief explanation of how the child may benefit by the introduction of the sport at the particular age you recommended.

Part two: To prepare for this Assignment: Cognitive Development

Read the following example:

As a 3-year-old, Mateo was afraid of Santa Claus, believed his shadow was following him, and expected that all adults knew his name. He could sing the ABC song and count by rote to 10. By the time he was 8 years old, Mateo loved sitting on Santa’s lap, used his hands to make shadow characters, and was able to disagree with a friend without getting upset. He could read simple text and add, subtract, and multiply.
Think about the previous example from Piaget’s point of view and then from Vygotsky’s. What do you think each would say about how Mateo’s developmental changes came about? From Piaget’s point of view, consider the development of stages and egocentrism. From Vygotsky’s point of view, consider the Zone of Proximal Development and the adult’s role in providing cultural knowledge.
The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

Contrast Piaget’s theory to Vygotsky’s theory. Using the example above, describe how Piaget and Vygotsky differ in their views about how cognitive development progresses. Be sure to include all of the following in your answer:
The main ideas of the stages of development from Piaget and the Zone of Proximal Development from Vygotsky
A description of the adult’s role in the process from the point of view of each theorist
A clear explanation of Mateo’s developmental progress from the point of view of each theorist
A clear explanation of the differences between the two theorists’ approaches
A summary of your current point of view on this topic, informed by this week’s Learning Resources

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