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Posted: December 20th, 2021

MGMT 520 Legal, Political and Ethical Dimensions of Business Week 5 Midterm Exam

MGMT 520 Week 5 Midterm Exam1. (TCO I) Marianne Jennings wrote an article, “Why an International Code of Ethics would be good,” which was assigned to be read at the beginning of the course. As you have worked throughout this session, you should have considered this article and how it may or may not have impacted different situations in the world economic/business/legal/political environments…..…Great Depression2. (TCO A) Use the fact pattern you received in the above Marianne Jennings “International Code of Ethics” question to answer this question. Analyze and propose a solution to the problem you received above using the Professional Obligation School of Social Responsibility method …3. (TCO I) Marianne Jennings wrote an article, “Why an International Code of Ethics would be good,” which was assigned to be read at the beginning of the course. As you have worked throughout this session, you should have considered this article and how it may or may not have impacted different situations in the world economic/business/legal/political environments………..4. (TCO A) Use the fact pattern you received in the above Marianne Jennings “International Code of Ethics” question to answer this question. Analyze and propose a solution to the problem you received above using…………5. (TCO I) Marianne Jennings wrote an article, “Why an International Code of Ethics would be good.” which was assigned to be read at the beginning of the course. As you have worked throughout this session, you should have considered this article and how it may or may not have impacted different situations in the world economic/business/legal/political environments……….6. (TCO A) Use the fact pattern you received in the above Marianne Jennings “International Code of Ethics” question to answer this question. Analyze and propose a solution to the problem you received above using the Blanchard……..7. (TCO F) Target sells bags that appear to be Prada, Gucci, and Coach handbags but are priced much lower. The brand labels on the bags say “Pardna,” “Guchy,” and “Coaching.” The prices…8. (TCO D) Barney and his 16-year-old son BamBam are riding in Fred’s car. Fred had taken some prescription medication that morning that stated on the bottle, “Warning, may cause drowsiness.” The truck in front of them suffers a blow-out, and swerves uncontrollably. The tire remnants fly into the road………9. (TCO B) The “public comment” period closes on an OSHA proposed regulation, and your business had filed a public comment against the proposed regulation explaining that the…10. (TCO C) One summer, David Baxter and his wife, Melissa, were on their new boat with another couple, tubing on the Mississippi river. David and the other couple had been drinking…11. (TCO C) Will E. Chancit, a 36-year-old attorney, was killed when his Ford Fairlane collided with some metal fence on the Harbor Freeway in Los Angeles. He was traveling at a speed between…12. (TCO F) In Midler v. Ford Motor Co., Bette Midler sued Ford for unauthorized appropriation. Explain what appropriation is. Tell me what type of civil claim appropriation…13. (TCO B) Infuriated when Harry Reid is re-elected during the 2010 fall election, the Republicans in Congress decide to take matters into their own hands. In 2011, the House…14. (TCO C) Bud Johnson owns a General Motors dealership in Pierre, South Dakota. At the request and expense of General Motors, Bud travelled to Phoenix, Arizona, for…15. (TCO D) (This is a fictional scenario.) Billy Joel decided he wanted to learn to play the violin for his next set of concerts. He called a violin salesman in New York and asked…16. (TCO B) After the 2010 full election, the democrats in congress decided to take matters into their own hands. During the lame duck session, they passed a new “election…17. (TCO D) SpongeBob is a farmer who contracted with Progresso to provide 6 tons of clams worth $3,000/ton to be delivered at Progresso each month. Progresso…18. (TCO F) When Vanna White sued Samsung for appropriation and under the Lanham Act, she won her case under California common law right of publicity claim…

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