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Posted: December 20th, 2021

ACTIVITY 2 – Bone growth Use the facts you have learned in this module to answer these questions to Willamina

ACTIVITY 2 – Bone growth
Use the facts you have learned in this module to answer these questions to Willamina, a very curious and inquisitive student. How would you answer to her questions? J Note: For this activity, you can either type your answers or explained them in a video (preferred)

1. If the epiphyseal growth plates are growing so fast, why do they stay thin “Growing things are supposed to get larger or thicker, but these plates remain the same thickness.”

2. “A child who enters puberty several years later than the average is generally taller than the average as an adult. Why?”

3. When in life does bone growth stop? What is the anatomical event that marks the end of a late adolescent/young adult growing period?

4. After studying to prepare yourself to answer these questions to Willamina, you overhear a conversation between your mom and a neighbor. The neighbor tells your mom that Melissa, her 28-year-old friend, is so disappointed of being so short. The doctor has already run some lab tests, and everything seems to be within normality (including all her
hormones). Yet Melissa is thinking to go back to her doctor, so he can prescribe growth hormone to help her reach her desired height. While listening to this story, all the information you just have read while studying for this course, made click in your brain! … and you are ready to explain to the neighbor why is or is not a good idea for Melissa to receive growth hormone treatment. What would you tell her?

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